WVGO 3/21/15 Results

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We want to thank all of the great competitors and teams who made this event and amazing success.  As always, this event is not possible with all of you great people.

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No Gi Divisions

Youth Beginner

Ages 5-7

1. Maverick Lemasters (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

2. Maddox Bryant (Top Flight)

3. Brody Vance (Hiles BJJ)

Ages 8-10


1. Colton Reed (GZ)

2. Audrey Robinson (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

3. Bailey Lemasters (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

100 and Above

1. Alan Pendleton (Advantage)

2. Carli Vance (Hiles BJJ)



1. Chris Hoover (Weirton/Hiles BJJ)

2. Casey Bowles (Advantage)


1. Nico Urban (Weirton/Hiles BJJ)

2. Alex Jones (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

Mens No Gi Beginner

149 and Under

1. Jordan Lamp (Weirton/Hiles BJJ)

2. Jacob Traub (Dawghouse)


1. Corey Bird (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

2. Kurt Rollins (Relson)


1. Eugene Burns (Weirton/Hiles BJJ)

2. Tyler Starcher (Dawghouse)

225 and Above

1. William Jones (Advantage)

2. Steve Perkins (Advantage)


1. Jake Nichols (Dawghouse)

2. Steve Perkins (Advantage)

3. Kurt Rollins (Relson)

No Gi Intermediate

Youth Intermediate/Advanced

1. Jacob Ronnenberg (GZFS)

2. Jayah Corley (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

Teen Intermediate/Advanced


1. Jacob Smithson (Palhares)

2. Gabriel Price (Hiles BJJ)

3. Arienna Green (Hiles BJJ)


1. Bobby Bailey (Booshay/Hiles BJJ)

2. Kyle Garcelon (ribiero)

Mens Intermediate

149 and Under

1. Daniel Withrow (Team ROC)

2. Justin Kendrick (Relson)


1. Devon Bailey (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

2. Chance Tolley (Hiles BJJ)

3. Kyle Davis (Advantage)


1. Derek Lambert (Advantage)

2. Jake Nichols (Dawhouse)

3. Nathan Tustin (Weirton/Hiles BJJ)

Mens No Gi Advanced

149 and Under

1. Josh Baker (Bullpen)

2. Thomas Colby (Team ROC)

3. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ)


1. Derek Lambert (Advantage)

2. Carlos Mendez (Relson)

Absolute 170 and Under

1. Thomas Colby (Team ROC)

2. Daniel Withrow (Team ROC)

3. Carlos Mendez (Relson)

Absolute 171 and Above

1. Gary Hashman (Relson)

2. Derek Lambert (Advantage)

3. Brandon Hall

Women’s No Gi

1. Haley Zahnow

2. Arieana Green (Hiles BJJ)

3. Kathy Hatfield (Advantage)

Masters No Gi


1. Jeremiah Hoffman (Fight Farm)

2. Kyle Davis (Advantage)

3. James Mabon (Hiles BJJ)

225 and Above

1. William Jones (Advantage)

2. William Mullins (Booshay/Hiles BJJ)

3. Steve Perkins (Advantage)

Gi Divisions

Youth Gi Divisions

Kids White Belt


1. Maddox Bryant (Top Flight)

2. Brady Vance (Hiles BJJ)


1. Colton Reel (GZFS)

2. Jayah Corley (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

3. Carli Vance (Hiles BJJ)


1. Jacob Ronnenberg (GZFS)

2. Alan Pendleton (Advantage)

3. Audrey Robinson (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

Orange/Green Belt


1. Jacob Smithson (Palhares)

2. Gabe Price (Hiles BJJ)

3. Arieanna Green (HIles BJJ)


1. Bobby Bailey (Booshay/Hiles BJJ)

2. Kyle Garcelon (Ribiero)

3. Alex Jones (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

Men’s Gi Divisions

Adult Divisions

White Belt

149 and Under

1. Caleb Fields (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

2. Alex Jones (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

3. Jacob Traub (Dawghouse)


1. Corey Bird (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

2. Kurt Rollins (Relson)

Adult Men Blue Belt

149 and Under

1. Daniel Withrow (Team ROC)

2. Bobby Bailey (Booshay/Hiles BJJ)

3. Justin Kendrick (Relson)

155 lbs. to 170 lbs.

1. Devon Bailey (H2O/Hiles BJJ)

2. Jacob Nichols (Dawghouse)

3. Chance Tolley (Hiles BJJ)

Adult Men Purple Belt


1. Thomas Colby (Team ROC)

2. Carlos Mendez (Relson)

3. Jim Tinney (Hiles BJJ)


1. Gary Hashman (Relson)

2. Daniel Withrow (Team ROC)

3. Jake Nichols (Dawghouse)

Category: Uncategorized

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We had a great time, and can’t wait for the next one!
Georgetown MMA

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Reigning Overall Team State Champions

2009 Butch Hiles BJJ
2010 GZFS
2011 Butch Hiles BJJ
2012 GZFS
2013 GZFS
2014 Ground Zero Huntington
2015 Team SAS
2016 Ground Zero Huntington
2017 Ground Zero Huntington
2018 GZFS
2019 Team SAS
2021 Team SAS
2022 GZFS
2023 GZFS
2024 GZFS
2024 NEW Single Team Champion – GZ Huntington

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