The WVGO uses a set of standard rules (with & without double elimination), submission only, EBI, and ADCC rules. Each tournament will have the rules format specified when we are not using our standard rules for WVGO.
Each set of rules is listed below

Double Elimination Format (when used)
We use the double elimination format to give each competitor multiple opportunities to compete. This means if you lose your first match you will be put into a “losers bracket” and you will have the opportunity to compete again. However, someone who has lost cannot win the championship. The exception to the rule is if there happens to be a division with only two people. In the case, we will do a best 2 out of 3
Gi Matches (Standard Rules)
Length of Matches for Adult Men, Women, & Masters in the Gi
All WHITE BELT matches to be FIVE minutes in length
All BLUE BELT, PURPLE BELT, BROWN BELT, and BLACK BELT matches to be SEVEN minutes in length
Length of Matches for Children & Teens
All matches will be 5 minutes in length
Simplified Breakdown of Scoring
- Mount Front/Back 4 points
- Passing the Guard 3 points
- Take Down 2 points
- Knee on Stomach 2 points
- Sweeps from a guard position 2 points
Illegal Techniques
- NO heel locks
- NO small joint manipulation (fingers or toes)
- NO striking, of any kind
- No attacks to the front of the throat (fingers in throat), eyes (elbows, palms, fingers, chin, etc.) or groin
- NO biting, eye gouging, or fish hooking
- T-shirts or Rash Guards under the gi are optional
- Shoes ARE NOT ALLOWED in Gi or No-Gi divisions
- Competitors must wear a regulation BJJ Gi (full length pants and jacket)
- No Slamming to avoid submissions, from the Guard, or excessive from any position or takedown
- No suplexes or spiking onto the head
- No scissors takedowns
- No throwing an opponent off the mat or spiking an opponent on his/her head
- No Neck Cranks or Twisters (Can Opener is LEGAL)
- No spitting and or swearing
- Any intentional use of an illegal technique or act of poor sportsmanship by the competitor OR coach will result in the immediate ejection of that competitor
- A competitor can not exit the ring at any time to escape a submission
Special Rules for All Kids & Teen Competitors
- No attacks below the waist (No Knee bars, straight ankle locks, or toe holds)
- No Wrist Locks
- No Neck Cranks (No Can Opener from guard or any other position)
- No Jumping guard (to protect the knees)
- Still Following other adult rules as well, unless noted here
Situations Not Covered By The Rules
These situations which are not covered should be dealt with by the referees of the contest in question. The same type of situation may occur in another ring or at a different time, and may be handled differently. Each situation is unique and will be dealt with in all possible fairness. These situations should be put in writing to be later considered amendments for the rule book. The final judgment made by the referee is not contestable. ALL situations will be handled as fairly as possible.
Legal Techniques
Any official Olympic Judo/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique or submission or takedown not listed as illegal in the previous section
The following penalties are one (1) point against the offender for each infraction (Competitor can also be disqualified at the referees discretion):
- Punches/strikes or kicks
- To purposely go outside the contest area with the whole body or both feet to avoid takedowns or submissions
- Out of bounds to avoid point: 1st time – warning, 2nd time – opponent gets point, 3rd time – end of match
- To purposely throw and/or push competitor out of bounds.
- To disregard the chief referee’s instruction.
- To show un-sportsman like conduct.
- To apply any action which may injure the opponent.
- Person cannot make or take one penalty point in any fraction to avoid 3 points against them such as chokes, locks, or submission holds (1st time – warning, 2nd time – 3 points, 3rd time – end of match).
If a competitor cannot continue, it is considered a withdrawal. The other competitor will then continue on. If the injury was committed with intent, the person that caused the injury will be judged a loss.
No Gi Rules (Standard Rules)
***No T-shirts are allowed (to avoid toes getting caught and broken in them)
BUT a tight fitting shirt or rashguard must be worn in the No-Gi Division. If a competitor is without a shirt there will be some available at the tournament. We are trying to keep everything looking professional at the tournament.
Length of Matches for Adult Men, Women, & Masters No Gi
All matches to be SIX minutes in length
Length of Matches for Children & Teens
All matches will be 5 minutes in length
Simplified Breakdown of Scoring
- Mount Front/Back 4 points
- Passing the Guard 3 points
- Take Down 2 points
- Knee on Stomach 2 points
- Sweeps from a guard position 2 points
Illegal Techniques
- NO heel locks (Advanced divisions do allow heel hooks)
- NO small joint manipulation (fingers or toes)
- NO striking, of any kind
- No attacks to the front of the throat (fingers in throat), eyes (elbows, palms, fingers, chin, etc.) or groin
- NO biting, eye gouging, or fish hooking
- T-shirts or Rash Guards under the gi are optional
- Shoes are NOT ALLOWED in Gi or No-Gi divisions
- Competitors must wear a regulation BJJ Gi (full length pants and jacket)
- No Slamming to avoid submissions, from the Guard, or excessive from any position or takedown
- No suplexes or spiking onto the head
- No throwing an opponent off the mat or spiking an opponent on his/her head
- No Neck Cranks or Twisters (Can Opener is LEGAL)
- No spitting and or swearing
- Any intentional use of an illegal technique or act of poor sportsmanship by the competitor OR coach will result in the immediate ejection of that competitor
- A competitor cannot exit the ring at any time to escape a submission
Special Rules for All Kids & Teen Competitors
- No attacks below the waist (No Knee bars, straight ankle locks, or toe holds)
- No Wrist Locks
- No Neck Cranks (No Can Opener from guard or any other position)
- No Jumping guard (to protect the knees)
- Still Following other adult rules as well, unless noted here
Situations Not Covered By The Rules
These situations which are not covered should be dealt with by the referees of the contest in question. The same type of situation may occur in another ring or at a different time, and may be handled differently. Each situation is unique and will be dealt with in all possible fairness. These situations should be put in writing to be later considered amendments for the rule book. The final judgment made by the referee is not contestable. ALL situations will be handled as fairly as possible.
Legal Techniques
Any official Olympic Judo/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique or submission or takedown not listed as illegal in the previous section
The following penalties are one (1) point against the offender for each infraction (Competitor can also be disqualified at the referees discretion):
- Punches/strikes or kicks
- To purposely go outside the contest area with the whole body or both feet to avoid takedowns or submissions
- Running out of bounds to avoid point: 1st time – warning, 2nd time – opponent gets point, 3rd time – end of match
- To purposely throw and/or push competitor out of bounds.
- To disregard the chief referee’s instruction.
- To show un-sportsman like conduct.
- To apply any action which may injure the opponent.
- Person cannot make or take one penalty point in any fraction to avoid 3 points against them such as chokes, locks, or submission holds (1st time – warning, 2nd time – 3 points, 3rd time – end of match).
If a competitor cannot continue, it is considered a withdrawal. The other competitor will then continue on. If the injury was committed with intent, the person that caused the injury will be judged a loss.
ADCC Rules
Please click here
Submission Only Rules
No time limits, can only win by submission, single elimination
Modified EBI Rules
Gi and No Gi Rules Will be the same and we will follow standard WVGO weight classes.
Adult Rules (Kids/Teens Rules are not the same):
*Matches will consist of one 10 minute round, submission only – absolutely no points whatsoever.
*Overtime rules are three rounds from either the back or arm bar position.
*No Gi Competitors must wear a rash guard and shorts or tights.
Advanced no gi competitors:
*All Submissions are Legal – ****No Slamming****
Intermediate and Beginner No Gi:
No heel hooks, No Neck Cranks, No slamming
*One warning for stalling then a DQ will be handed out per the Ref’s discretion.
Each competitor gets a shot at either their opponent’s back, with both leg hooks and seat belt, or the spider web position aka arm bar position. The competitor on offense gets the choice.
Once there is an escape or submission that half of the round or “extra inning” is over. The competitor that was just on defense now gets a shot at the back or spider web, his choice.
If only one competitor gets the submission in the round then that competitor wins.
If both competitors get the submission in any round the quickest submission wins if both escape then a 2nd round is implemented.
If after 3 rounds it is still tied up then all the Overtime escape and sub times are added up. The competitor with the quickest overall time wins the match
There is no time limit in each of the overtime rounds
The competitor on offense can move from the back to spider web and back, and to the truck and back, and back and forth from these 3 positions as many times as they want and the round is still live. The back is still live as long as the seat belt is in place, losing both leg hooks does not stop time as long as the seat belt is still in place. The round ends in any other position than the back, spider web and the truck unless caught in a submission “in transition”. For example, going to an arm triangle from the back which puts the offensive competitor in side control or mount keeps the round live until the escape is complete or there is a tap. Going from spider web to a triangle which puts the offensive competitor on his back in guard is still live until a full escape is achieved. Going to a leg attack from spider web or from the back, or the truck is still live as long as the leg is in imminent danger. As soon as the leg is defended securely the round is over.
Kids/Teens EBI Rules:
*Matches will consist of one 6 minute round, submission only – absolutely no points whatsoever.
*Overtime rules are three rounds from either the back or arm bar position.
*No Gi Competitors must wear a rash guard and shorts or tights.
No Slamming
No Neck Cranks
No Lower Body Submissions
No Small Joint Manipulation
No Wrist Locks
*One warning for stalling then a DQ will be handed out per the Ref’s discretion.
Each competitor gets a shot at either their opponent’s back, with both leg hooks and seat belt, or the spider web position aka arm bar position. The competitor on offense gets the choice.
Once there is an escape or submission that half of the round or “extra inning” is over. The competitor that was just on defense now gets a shot at the back or spider web, his choice.
If only one competitor gets the submission in the round then that competitor wins.
If both competitors get the submission in any round the quickest submission wins if both escape then a 2nd round is implemented.
If after 3 rounds it is still tied up then all the Overtime escape and sub times are added up. The competitor with the quickest overall time wins the match
There is no time limit in each of the overtime rounds
The competitor on offense can move from the back to spider web and back, and to the truck and back, and back and forth from these 3 positions as many times as they want and the round is still live. The back is still live as long as the seat belt is in place, losing both leg hooks does not stop time as long as the seat belt is still in place. The round ends in any other position than the back, spider web and the truck unless caught in a submission “in transition”. For example, going to an arm triangle from the back which puts the offensive competitor in side control or mount keeps the round live until the escape is complete or there is a tap. Going from spider web to a triangle which puts the offensive competitor on his back in guard is still live until a full escape is achieved. Going to a leg attack from spider web or from the back, or the truck is still live as long as the leg is in imminent danger. As soon as the leg is defended securely the round is over.
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