Class: NO GI ABSOLUTE WEIGHT: 170 AND BELOW 1st: Matt Shaffer 2nd:Luke Lago 3rd: Gabe Guevera Class: NO GI ABSOLUTE Weight: 170 and above 1st: Cody Miskell 2nd: Jason Cable 3rd: Chase long Class: Kids Gi 5-7 WHITE Weight: 53.1-62 1st:Jackson Fields 2nd: Levi stice Class: KIDS GI GREY/WHITE Weight: 62-70 1stZack Shawvers 2nd Ela Kirksey 3rd Zoe Kirksey Class: Kids GI 5-7 Grey Weight:62.1-70 1st: Zack Shawver 2nd: Brody Vance 3rd: Wyatt Jordan Class: Kids GI White 8-10 Weight: 53.1-62 1st: Ariana Hale 2nd: Ben Morell Class: Kids GI 8-10 White Girls Weight: 79.1-88 1st: Kate Wallace 2nd: Brooklyn Price 3rd: Adison Milam Class: Kids GI WHITE 8-10 Weight: 79.1-88 1st: Jodan Eads 2nd: Lincoln Daetuyler Class:KIDS GI WHITE 8-10 Weight: 99.1-110 1st Jake Kimble 2nd: Austin Bumgardener 3rd Logan French Class:Kids GI WHITE/GREY 8-10 Weight: 53 and Below 1st Isaiah Gomez x2 2nd Zack Shawver Class:KIDS GI GREY 8-10 Weight:62.1-70 1st Brody Vance 2nd: Luke Hedrick Class:KIDS GI GREY 8-10 Weight70.1-79 1st Brian Wheeler 2nd Ayden Hill 3rd Kasper Eads Class:KIDS GI YELLOW 8-10 Weight: 88.1-99 1st Taven Willams 2nd Ayden Arthur Class: KIDS GREY GI 11-12 Weight: 79.1-88 1st Gage Hendrick 2nd AJ La Neve 3rd Abi Long Class: KIDS GI YELLOW 11-12 Weight: 70.1-79 1stTaven Williams 2nd Abi Long Class: Kids GI GREY 11-12 Weight: 121.1 And Above 1st Sam Tiano 2nd Levi Bender Class:KIDS GI YELLOW 11-12 Weight: 121.1 and Above 1st Zach Perkins 2nd Jude price Class:TEEN GI YELLOW 13-15 Weight: 132 and Below 1st Mirana Allen 2nd Jacob Tolley Class: TEEN GI GREY/WHITE Weight:132.1-143 1st Shyla MArtini 2nd Amelia Bender 3rd Tyler Kepple Class:TEEN GI WHITE BELT 16-17 Weight: 154.1-167 1st Kieth Percora 2nd Jacob Catron Class: TEEN GI WHITE 16-17 Weight: 183.1-200 1stBrandon Plaugher 2nd Jacob Catron Class: TEEN NO GI BEGINNER 13-15 Weight: 132.1-143 1st Amelia Bender 2nd Shyla Martini 3rd Tyler Kepple Class:TEEN NO GI INTERMEDIATE 16-17 Weight: 154.1-167 1st Robbie Ring 2nd Keith Pecora Class: TEEN NO GI 16-17 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 132.1-143 1st Devin Willoughy 2nd Jacob Catron 3rd Maranda Allen Class: KIDS NO GI INTERMEDIATE 53 AND BELOW 1st Zack Shawver 2nd Jackson Fields 3rd Levi Stire Class: KIDS NO GI INTERMEDIATE 5-7 Weight: 62.1-70 1st Brody vance 2nd Ela Kirksey 3rd Zoe Kirksey Class: KIDS NO GI BEGINNER 8-10 Weight: 53.1-62 1st Jackson Fields Class: KIDS NO GI BEGINNER 8-10 Weight:79.1-88 1st Jordan Ead 2nd Brooklyn Price 3rd Lincoln Dsetwyler Class: KIDS NO GI 8-10 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 70.1-79 1st Ayden Hill 2nd Noah Green 3rd: Hendrick Luke Class: KIDS NO GI 8-10 ADVANCED Weight: 70.1-79 1st Ayden Hill 2nd Kasper Eads Class: KIDS NO GI 11-12 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 121.1 and Above 1st Sam Tiano 2nd Zach Perkins 3rd Levi Bender Class: Kids No GI 11-12 ADVANCED Weightt: 79-88 1st Taven Williams 2nd Gage Hendrick 3rd Jude Price Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT 135 AND BELOW Weight: 135 and below 1st Kristi Thompson 2nd Lauren Braggs Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT 136 AND UP Weight: 136 and up 1st Jessica Wallace 2nd Maranda Allen Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st: Jessica Wallace 2nd Maranda Allen 3rd Lauren Bragg Class: WOMENS BLUE GI Weight: 135 1st Ray Harl 2nd Kaida Awen Class: WOMEN NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight: 135 and below 1st Kaida Awen 2nd Carlie Holstein Class: WOMENS NO GI Weight: 136 and up 1st Ray Harl 2nd Jessica Wallace 3rd MAranda Allen Class: MENS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 150-164.1 1st Jacob Catron 2nd Julian Swann 3rd Adrian Mullins Class MENS GI WHITE Weight: 165-179.9 1st Garrett Wireman 2nd Jessie Hackney 3rd Zachariah Freeman Class: MENS GI WHITE Weight: 180-194.9 1st Brandon Beacon 2nd Brandon Plaugher 3rd Travis Roberts Class: MENS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 195-209.9 1st Chase Long 2nd Joseph Hunter 3rd Doug May Class: MENS GI WHITE Weight:225 AND UP 1ST Brandon Hickman 2ND Nick Bailey 3rd Brian Ramen Class Men's white belt absolute 1St Garret Workman 2ND Zachariah Freeman Class: MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 165-179.9 1ST Robby Ring 2ND Luke Lagu 3rd Josh Dempsey Class : MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 180-194.9 1St Levi Plaugher 2ND John Shelhammer Class: MENS BLUE BELT Weight: 195-209.9 1St Wes Thompson 2 d Johnathan Neece 3rD Logan Cook Class :MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 210-224.9 1St Michael Keeble 2ND Jason Starcher Class: MENS BLUE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st Logan Allen 2ND Wes Thompson 3rd Logan cook Class: MENS GI PURPLE BELT Weight:149.9 and below 1St Bobby Bailey 2ND Miles Williams Class: MENS GI PURPLE BELT Weight: 150-164.9 1St Gabe Guevara 2ND Brandon Roark Class: MENS PURPLE GI Weight: 180-194.9 1St Anthony Patrella 2ND Don Quinn 3rd Devon Bailey Class: MENS PURPLE GI Weight: 225 nd up 1st Zack wills 2nd Jason Cable Class: MENS PURPLE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st Don Quinn 2nd Gabe Guevara 3rd Bobby Bailey Class: MENS BROWN GI Weight: 165-179.9 1st Joshua Cale 2nd Mathew Shaffer Class: MASTERRS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 180-194.9 1st Joseph Hunter 2nd Brandon Beacon Class: MASTERS ABSOLUTE BLUE BELT 1st Wes Thompson 2nd Jon Neece Class:MENS NO GI BEGINNER Weight: 165-179.9 1st Zachariah Freeman 2nd Jessie Hackney Class:MENS NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight:150-164 1st Robbie Ring 2nd Adam Kolberg 3rd Jacob Catron Class: MENS NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight: 195-209.9 1st Garret Wireman 2nd Brandon Hickman 3rd Logan Cook Class: MENS NO GI BEGINNER ABSOLUTE 1st Adam Kolberg 2nd Brandon Hickman 3rd Jacob Catron Class: MENS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 149 and below 1st Bobby Bailey 2nd Miles Williams Class:MENS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 165-179.9 1st Joshua Cole 2nd Devon Bailey Class: MASTERS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 180-194 1st Anthony Patrella 2nd Don Quinn