Weigh-in Information

Competitors can weigh-in Friday at 8:15P-9:15P OR Saturday from 8A-10A at the tournament location.  You can do either or and do not have to do both.

Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on

Itinerary and Parking

We will start with the No Gi Advanced Money divisions.  However, we will start with all gi competitions following that, and will allow the advanced competitors time to rest.

Kids/teen gi will start immediately following the cash divisions and we will run them on their own mats.  The adults and youth will typically start with the highest belt and we will work down from there.

This same system will apply for the no-gi competitors as well.

The first matches should start at 11A and will follow the rules meeting at 1030A.


There is some construction in the parking lot.  However, there is parking to the left of the construction and behind the building.

Address: Elk Middle School 5090 Elk River Rd N, Elkview, WV 25071

Category: Uncategorized

 Gi & No Gi Double Elimination Tournament April 1, 2017



  $700 in Cash Prizes!!!

$700 in Cash Prizes & Divisions for Men, Women, Kids, Teens, and Masters

Once again, our annual Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi and No Gi Tournament returns to Elkview, WV (near Charleston, WV), at Elk Middle School. This tournament features competitors from all around the surrounding states and is packed with high level competition!

Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017
Time: Tournament 11am (Cash tournament starts), Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult male divisions ($75 at the door) and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women, teen, and children. (Preregistration’s must be in our hands no later than 3/30/2017 https://wvgrapplingopen.com/pre-registration/).

$65 for those who are competing for the cash prizes but they may also compete in any other division at no extra charge

Format: Gi and No Gi DOUBLE ELIMINATION tournament with Cash Prizes for special absolute divisions.  Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions
Location: Elk Middle School 5090 Elk River Rd N, Elkview, WV 25071

Cash Prizes for the winner of our No Gi Advanced Divisions!!!

Featuring two Absolute No Gi Divisions with a $350 cash prize for the winner of each division.  These special divisions will be single elimination and the weight classes will be as follows:

170 lbs. and under and 171 lbs. and up

A Grappling Tournament for Everyone

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above).  The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Weight Classes for Men Gi & No Gi

Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above

***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class.  In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible

Weight Classes for Women Gi & No Gi

Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes for teens/children will be divided at the tournament but the age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, Teens 13-15, 16-17

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-17

Teen Gi Divisions: White/GW, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple

Teen No Gi Divisions:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-12

Kids Gi Divisions: White/GW, Grey, Yellow, Orange, Green

Kids No Gi Divisions:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance


Pre-register by 3/30/17 to save money: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/pre-registration/


Weigh-ins to be held Friday from 7-8:30p (unless special arrangements are made) and Saturday 8:30am-10:30am at the tournament location: Elk Middle School 5090 Elk River Rd N, Elkview, WV 25071

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles


 Visit Our Great Sponsors

Gutter Pro WV

Intimidation Clothing


Category: Uncategorized

 2017 Schedule

***More Updates Possible***

4/1/17 WVGO $700 No Gi Tournament (Elk Middle – Elkview, WV)

6/10/17 ADCC Nationals – WV State University (Institute, WV)

8/19/17 WV State Championships (Magic Island – Charleston, WV)

September WV State Submission Only Championships (Civic Center – Charleston, WV)

10/7/17 WVGO Submission Only (Bluefield, VA)

TBA (Charleston, WV)

***More Updates Possible***

Category: Uncategorized

 Gi & No Gi Submission Only Tournament October 8, 2016 in Bluefield, Virginia


  Divisions for Men, Women, Kids, Teens, and Masters

Date: Saturday, October 8, 2016

Time: Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.

Cost: Only $65 for those who preregister and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, $55 for Children, Teens (Unless doing adult divisions as well), and Women (Pre-registration must be in our hands no later than 10/6/16).

Format: Gi and No Gi SUBMISSION ONLY, NO time Limit, No Point, and No excuses.  Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions

Location: Graham High School in Bluefield, VA

A Grappling Tournament for Everyone

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above).  The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Weight Classes for Men Gi & No Gi

Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above

***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class.  In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible

Weight Classes for Women Gi & No Gi

Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes for teens will be divided at the tournament but the age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, Teens 13-15, 16-17

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-17

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-12

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance


Saturday 8am-11am

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles


Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com

At the Door Registration:

All competitors may still register at the door.

Price includes all events (gi and no gi)

Category: Uncategorized

2016 Results Gi & No Gi State Championships

2016 Team State Championship Titles:

2016 Overall Adult Team State Champions

  1. Ground Zero

2016 Overall Youth Team State Champions


Individual State Titles

unnamed (23)

Men’s No Gi Advanced

No Gi Advanced Mens 149 and Under

1. Miles Williams (Mannon)
2. Tommy Burton (Odin/Hiles BJJ)
3. Jeremy Kitts (CAMMA)

No Gi Advanced Mens 150-164.9

1. Jimmy Lobo (GZ)
2. Ethan Goss (Killer Bees)

No Gi Advanced Mens 165-179.9

1. Sandro Pasagic
2. Derek McWilliams (Academy)
3. Joseph Hilliard

No Gi Advanced Mens 180-194.9

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Clint Heinrich (GZ)

No Gi Advanced 195-209.9

1. Noah Devore (Acedemy)
2. Nathan Hedrick (GZ)

No Gi Advanced 210 and Up

1. Blake Musick (SWMA)
2. Brian Pisani (SWMA)
3. Tyler Cardwell (SWMA)/Anthony Poor (Carlson)

No Gi Advanced Absolute

1. Noah DeVore (Academy)
2. Nathan Hedrick (GZ)
3. Derek McWilliams (Academy)

Men’s No Gi Intermediate

No Gi Intermediate Mens 149 and Under

1. Isaiah Isaacs (CAMMA)
2. Donavan Emmert
3. Tobi Maynard/Danny Stubbs

No Gi Intermediate Mens 150-164.9

1. Toni Suta (BA)
2. Robert Callaham (Mannon)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 165-179.9

1. Tyler Reel (GZFS)
2. Nathan Tussen (Odin/Hiles BJJ)
3. Mike Stewart (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 180-194.9

1. Dylon Mcbride (GZ)
2. George Jones (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 210 and Above

1. Jacob Minney (GZFS)
2. Jacob Johnson (Mannon)

Men’s No Gi Beginner

No Gi Beginner Mens 149 and Under


No Gi Beginner Mens 150-164.9

1. Dalton Henkle (Advantage)
2. Charlie Givens (GZFS)
3. Joe Kadar (Advantage)

No Gi Beginner Mens 165-179.9

1. Bryce Williams
2. Donald Cooper (Advantage)

No Gi Beginner 210-224.9

1. Donta Wade (GZ)
2. Terry Joy (BA)

No Gi Beginner Mens 225 and Above

1. Blain Smith (Hiles BJJ)
2. Matthew Shannon (GZ)

No Gi Beginner Mens Absolute

1. Derek Bowman (SAS)
2. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)

MASTERS No Gi Absolute

1. Rafael Chacon

Women’s No Gi


No Gi Women 135 and Under

1. Alex ?
2. Kaida Awen (Ribeiro)
3. Riana Turner (Liberty)

No Gi Women 135.9lbs and Over

1. Nikki Brammer (GZ)
2. Riana Turner


Women’s No Gi Absolute

1. Lydia Rowe (GZ)
2. Maranda Allen

Women’s No Gi Advanced Absolute

1. Haley Zahnow (GZFS)
2. Ray Harl (SWMA)

Kids No Gi


No Gi Kids 5-7 Under 53lbs

1. MaryAnna Brooks (GZ)
2. Ariana Hale (GZ)
3. Caiden Hale (GZ)

No Gi Kids 8-10 62.1lbs-70lbs

1. Kate Wallace (GZ)
2. Carter Topka (GZ)

No Gi Kids 8-10 Combined

1. Bryan Wheeler (GZ)
2. Marcus Shawver (Hiles BJJ)

No Gi Kids 11-12 99-121

1. Abigail Frederick (GZFS)
2. Molly Jenkins (GZ)


No Gi Kids 8-10 52lbs and Under

1. Keri Mabon (Hiles BJJ)
2. Zach Shawvers (Hiles BJJ)

No Gi Kids 8-10 53-62lbs

1. Trent Cano (Georgetown)
2. Kasper Eads (GZFS)
3. Maddox Bryant (Valhalla)

No Gi Kids 8-10 62.1lbs-70lbs

1. Marcus Shawver (Hiles BJJ)
2. Brody Vance (Hiles BJJ)
3. Adam Davis (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 70-79lbs

1. Taven Williams (Mannon)
2. Jake Eaden (Hiles BJJ)
3. Kasper Eads (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 79-88lbs

1. Bryan Wheeler (GZ)
2. Jayah Corley (Hiles BJJ)
3. Isaac Brooks (GZ)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Lightweight

1. Klayton Matthews (Ribeiro)
2. Trace Hatfield (Advantage)
3. Jude Price (Hiles BJJ)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Middleweight

1. Gabe Price (HIles BJJ)
2. Alan Pendleton (Advantage)
3. Kyle Matthews (Ribeiro)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Heavyweight

1. Zechariah Brooks (GZ)
2. Brad Wheeler (GZ)
3. Evan Davis (GZFS)


No Gi Kids 5-7

1. Maddox Bryant (Valhalla)
2. Zach Shawver (Hiles BJJ)

No Gi Kids 11-12 70-88lbs

1. Carter Mottley (SAS)
2. Jacob Rannenberg (GZFS)

Teen No Gi


Teen No Gi 13-15 132 and Under MALE

1. Shawn Wells (GZFS)
2. Seth Chacon

Teen No Gi 13-15 143+

1. Robbie Jenkins (GZ)
2. Trapper Samples (palhares)
3. Jose Luis Gonzalez (Revalation)

Teen No Gi 16-17 FEMALE

1. Lydia Brooks
2. Amanda Orlicki (Advantage)


Teen No Gi 13-15 Under 132lbs

1. Gabriel Price (HIles BJJ)
2. Trev

13-15 Female 132 and Under

1. Casey Bowles (Advantage)
2. KerryBeth Brooks (GZ)
3. Daylin Null (Hiles BJJ)


Devin Willoghby (Georgetown)
2. Keith Pecora

Int/Adv 13-15 148+

1. Jacob Smithson (Palhares)
2. Keith Pecora
3. Shawn Wells (GZFS)

Int/Adv 16-17

1. Joseph Hillard
2. Devin Willoughby (Georgetown)


13-15 132 and Below

1. Gabe Price (Hiles BJJ)
2. James Mounts (East Coast)
3. Daylin Null (Hiles BJJ)

Kids Gi

White Belt

Gi Kids 5-7 White Belt Light

1. Ariana Hale (GZ)
2. Briston Ferry (GZ)
3. Levi Stire (GZFS)

Gi Kids 5-7 White Belt All

1. Deacon
2. Maryanna Brooks (GZ)
3. Ariana Hale (GZ)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt Lightweight

1. Xaden Willett (GZFS)
2. Carter Topka (GZ)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt Middleweight

1. Jake Eden (Hiles BJJ)
2. Adam Davis (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt Light Heavy

1. Isaac Brooks (GZ)
2. Jackson Pate (Academy)

Gi Kids 11-12 White Belt 80+

1. Jenna Truman (Diogo)
2. Molly Jenkins (GZ)

Grey Belt

Gi Kids 8-10 52 and Under

1. Deacon Cano (Georgetown)
2. Keri Mabon (Hiles BJJ)

Gi Kids 8-10 53.1-62lbs

1. Maddox Bryant (Valhalla)
2. Madelin Lytton (Hiles BJJ)

Gi Kids 8-10 62.1-70lbs

1. Kasper Eads (GZFS)
2. Brody Vance (Hiles BJJ)
3. Andrew Harris

Gi Kids 8-10 70lbs+

1. Brian Wheeler (GZ)
2. Kasper Eads (GZFS)

Gi Kids 11-12 Grey 121+

1. Sam Tiano (Hiles BJJ)
2. Carli Vance (Hiles BJJ)
3. Jacob Rohrer (GZFS)

Gi Kids 11-12 Grey Light Combined

1. Maddox Bryant (Valhalla)
2. Deacon Cano (Georgetown)
3. Jaedon Bush (Georgetwon)

Yellow Belt

Gi Kids 8-10 Yellow 62+

1. Trent Cano (Georgetown)
2. Jayah Corley (Odin/Hiles BJJ)

Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow Lightweight

1. Klayton Matthews (Ribeiro)
2. Jackson Mounts (East Coast)
3. Trace Hatfield (Advantage)

Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow 99.1-110

1. Kyle Matthews (Ribeiro)
2. Abigail Frederick (GZ)

Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow 120+

1. Brian Wheeler (GZ)
2. Zechariah Brooks (GZ)
3. Evan Davis (GZFS)

Gi Kids 11-12 Orange Belt Combined

1. Alan Pendelton (Advantage)
2. Jude Price (Hiles BJJ)


1. Cade Lytton (Hiles BJJ)
2. Jenna Truman (Diogo)

Teens Gi

Gi Teen 13-15 White 132 and Below

1. Seth Chacon
2. KatyBeth Brooks (GZ)
3. Terry Joy (BA)

Gi Teen 13-15 White 143+

1. Trapper Samples (Palhares)
2. Jose Luis Gonzalez (Revalation)
3. Robbie Jenkins (GZ)

Gi Teen 13-15 Yellow Combined

1. Shawn Wells (GZFS)
2. Keith Pecora
3. James Mounts (East Coast)

Gi Teen 13-15 Green

1. Jacob Smithson (Palhares)
2. Gabriel Price (Hiles BJJ)
3. Daylin Null (Hiles BJJ)

16-17 White 132 and Under

1. Amanda Orlicki (Advantage)
2. Shawn Wells (GZFS)

16-17 White Combined

1. James Caldwell (BA)
2. Amanda Orlicki (Advantage)

Women’s Gi

Women’s Gi White Belt Under 135

1. Tasha Hewitt (Diogo)
2. Kaida Awen (Ribeiro)
3. Melissa Hale (GZ)

Women’s Gi White Belt Over 135

1. Nikki Brammer (GZ)
2. Sarah Ruppenthal (Diogo)
3. Miranda Allen (SWMA)

White Belt Absolute

1. Miranda Allen (SWMA)
2. Nikki Brammer (GZ)
3. Melissa Hale (GZ)

Women’s Gi Blue Belt 135 and Under

1. Haley Zahnov (GZFS)
2. Carlie Holstein
3. Lydia Rowe (GZ)

Men’s Gi Divisions

White Belt Mens 149 and Under

1. Michey Sanchez (GZ)
2. Brett Summers
3. Kyle Moneypenny (GZFS)

White Belt Mens 150-164.9

1. Dalton Henkle (Advantage)
2. Anthony Jaime
3. AJ White (GZ)

White Belt Mens 165-179.9

1. Tyler Reel (GZFS)
2. Sam Hedrick (GZ)
3. Mike Stewart (GZFS)

White Belt Mens 180-194.9

1. Elias Parker
2. George Jones
3. Donald Cooper (Advantage)

White Belt Mens 195-209

1. Bryce Williams (Mannon)
2. Chris Danelson
3. Elijah Paugh

White Belt Mens 210-224

1. Donta Wade (GZ)
2. Jacob Minney (GZFS)
3. Terry Joy (BA)

White Belt Mens 225 and Above

1. Justin Ward
2. Blain Smith (Butch Hiles BJJ)
3. Matthew Shannon

White Belt Mens Absolute


Masters White Absolute

1. Donta Wade (GZ)
2. Tyler Reel (GZFS)
3. AJ White (GZ)

Blue Belt Mens 149 and Under

1. Derek Bowman
2. Cory Simpson (Advantage)
3. Nicholas Echeverri (Big Brothers)

Blue Belt Mens 150-164.9

1. Chris Burrell
2. Toni Suta (BA)
3. Kyle Davis (Advantage)

Blue Belt Mens 165-179.9

1. Jameson Wellman (GZ)
2. Gabriel Gilkerson
3. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)

Blue Belt Mens 180-194.9

1. Dylan McBride (GZ)
2. Shane Snuffer (Family)
3. Charlie See (GZ)

Blue Belt Mens 195-209.9

1. Rob Tassen
2. Zachary Hunbertson
3. Levi Plaughter (Avengers MMA)

Blue Belt Mens 225 and Above

1. Tyler Cardwell (SWMA)
2. Jacob Johnson (Mannon)
3. Corey Wilks

Blue Belt Mens Absolute

1. Christopher Burrell
2. Chad Wheeler (GZ)
3. Jameson Wellman/Gabriel Gilkerson (GZ)

MASTERS Blue Belt Mens 150-164

1. Jason Wilcox (Family)
2. Toni Suta (BA)

MASTERS Blue Belt Mens 165-179

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Jonathan Rowh  (GZFS)
3. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)

MASTERS Blue Belt Mens Absolute

1. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)
2. Rob Tassen (GZ)
3. Sam Gardner (Ground Control)

Purple Belt 149 and Below

1. Miles Williams (Mannon)
2. Chris Hale (GZ)
3. Jeremy Kitts (CAMMA)

Purple Belt 150-164

1. Jimmy Lobo (GZ)
2. Brett Dodd (Ryoma)

Purple Belt Mens 165-179

1. Craig Edmondson (Filthy)
2. David Forsyth (GZFS)

Purple Belt Mens 180-194

1. Codey Sole (Diogo)
2. Chris Hale (GZ)
3. Clint Heinrich

Purple Belt Mens 195-209

1. Nathan Hedrick (GZ)
2. Chad Marsh (BA)
3. Jeff Breeden (Butch Hiles BJJ)

Purple Belt Absolute (Some Masters)

1. Nathaniel Hedrick (GZ)
2. Dodd
3. Anthony Poor (Carlson)/Brandon W

MASTERS Purple Belt Lightweight

1. David Forsyth (GZFS)
2. Jeremy Kitts (CAMMA)

MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 180-194

1. Chris Hale (GZ)
2. Clint Heinrich

MASTERS Purple Belt 195-209

1. Chad Marsh (BAMMA)
2. Jeff Breeden (HIles BJJ)

MASTERS Purple Belt 210+

1. Anthony Poor (Carlson Gracie)
2. Rick Ellis (Capital MMA)

Brown Belt Absolute

1. George Oiler (GZ)
2. Derek McWilliams (TAU)
3. Brian Pisono (SWMA)

Category: Uncategorized


WV State Championship 8/20/16

At the Door Registration

75$ at the event for adult men, 65$ for women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register by 8/18/16

Price includes all events (gi and no gi)




Time: 7pm-9pm

Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301


Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)

Adults 8-10:30a

Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island

***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM

***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down

Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM

***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions

Saturday Match Schedule

10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin

11:00AM Adult Matches Start

11:00AM – No Gi Superfight Between Craig Edmondson and Matt Shaffer

11:30-12 Finish Bracketing

12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin

***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM


Things to Bring & Other Event Info

This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.

In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed.  Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.


Map of Events


Category: Uncategorized

Official WV State Championships

(Open To ALL competitors from any gym or state)

Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions



West Virginia State Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling Championships

The West Virginia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships are set to return this August 20th in Charleston, WV as part of Sportsfest 2016.

  • Date: Saturday, August 20th, 2016
  • Time: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 10am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am
  • Cost: All pre-registered competitors are entered to win a trip to the Bahamas or Orlando (more details below). Only 65$ for adult men, if you pre-register, and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children. It is 75$ for adult men not pre-registered and 65$ for women and children (the post mark date is August 18th, 2016).
  • Format: DOUBLE ELIMINATION in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level.
  • Location: Magic Island, Charleston, WV 25301 (101 Kanawha Blvd. W, Charleston, WV 25301 – on the river)

Huge Prize Announcement for Every Competitor!


We have some big news that we think will make every competitor happy.

“2 if By Sea Travel” and “Gutter Shield” are offering an amazing prize for one lucky competitor:

Two night Bahamas cruise on a date of the winners choice, after August.


Two nights in Orlando with a day pass to Universal Studios or Magic Kingdom.

They will pay for the cruise and taxes. You are only responsible for the alcohol and extras!

How to win:
Pre-register for the WV State Tournament at:


Everyone who pre-registers for the tournament will be entered to win this prize. If you pre-register someone else, the name that is used as the competitor will be entered to win.

***You must pre-register in order to be entered into the drawing and the winner will be announced at the tournament on August 20th.

You do not want to miss this incredible opportunity!!!

***Due to the size of the tournament, and because of this prize, we will require all youth competitors (5-17) to be registered by 8/18/16. Adult competitors can register online or at the door, BUT they will only be entered into the prize drawing if they pre-register.


Stay tuned for more big announcements

Beautiful, Custom, WV State Championship Medals for 1st-3rd Place


All 1st-3rd place finishers will win an official state championship medal and be declared the WV State Grappling Champion of 2015.

Custom WV State Championship Banner for the Winning Team with Year

photo (2)

The team with the highest amount of team wins (1st-3rd) will receive a custom state championship banner to hang in there gym with the year that their team has won. Previous team winners have been GZFS (2010, 2012, and 2013), Butch Hiles BJJ (2009 and 2011), GZ Huntington 2014, and SAS 2015.

Super Fight

The WVGO is please to announce this amazing, no time limit, submission only match between Craid Edmondson (James Clingerman – IN) AND Matt Shaffer (Academy Underground – WV)

craig matts

These two top notch competitors have been racking up wins all over the country and we wook forward to seeing them face off!

Pre-Register now:

Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 18th.

Cost:  Only 65$ for adult male divisions and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 75$ for adult men at the door and 65$ for women at the door (the post mark date is August 18th, 2016).

***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/18/16.  There will be no registration for youth after this time.  However, adults may pre-register or register at the door

Pre-Registration Link:


Sports Fest 2016

On Saturday, August 20th, 2016 Charleston, West Virginia will, once again, host the official state Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships as part of the “West Virginia Games.” The WV Games is a huge event that takes place on Magic Island, which is located on the Kanawha River in the capital of West Virginia and offers a scenic backdrop to a flurry of athletic competitions and events.  This is a family friendly event and we encourage all of our competitors to bring their friends and families so they can enjoy all of the other events and activities during the tournament.

Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships, the WV Games will also feature several family friendly sporting events from all around the state and country.   With the addition of our numerous vendors and activities, we feel that this is an event that everyone should try and make part of their schedule because it is very rare that you can keep the entire family entertained while waiting for your chance to hit the mats.

Sports Fest is a professional volleyball tournament and a professional jet-ski event that will be featured on national television.  This will just add to the excitement bring bigger and better things to the event as a whole! For more information on sports fest click: http://www.evptour.com/

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair for all and offers a ton of matches at a low price.  In fact, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of six times, if they compete in their respective divisions in both the gi and no gi tournaments as well as the absolute divisions.  Keep an eye out for continued updates.

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Adult Men: 149.9 & Below 150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs. 165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs. 180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs. 195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs. 210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs. 225 lbs. & Above

Adult Women: 135 & Under (Lightweight) 136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes and age brackets for teens and children:
Teens 13-15, 16-17

132 lbs. & Below
132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs.
143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs.
154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs.
167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs.
183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs.
200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs.
220.1 lbs. & Above

Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12

53 lbs. & Below
53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs.
62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs.
70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs.
79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs.
88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs.
99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs.
110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs.
121.1 lbs. and Above

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-17

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-12

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.theWVgames.com

Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 info@theWVgames.com

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!

Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 18th.

Cost:  Only 65$ for adult male divisions and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 75$ for adult men at the door and 65$ for women at the door (the post mark date is August 18th, 2016).

***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/18/16.  There will be no registration for youth after this time.  However, adults may pre-register or register at the door

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com

At the Door Registration:

75$ at the event for adult men, 65$ for women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register

Price includes all events (gi and no gi)




Time: 7pm-9pm

Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301


Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)

Adults 8-10:30a

Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island

***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM

***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down

Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM

***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions

Saturday Match Schedule

10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin

11:00AM Adult Matches Start

11:00AM – No Gi Superfight Between Craig Edmondson and Matt Shaffer

11:30-12 Finish Bracketing

12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin

***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM


Things to Bring & Other Event Info

This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.

In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed.  Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.


Map of Events


After Party

For those looking for something to eat and drink before you head home, meet us at the official after party spot – Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille


Hotel Info


The Holiday Inn Express has offered everyone an amazing deal but you must book ASAP because the rooms are filling up fast.  You can call or book your reservations online and you will be given a discount by typing in, or telling them, a special code “SPF”

Group Rate:  $89.00 plus 13% tax – includes hot-buffet breakfast, ground-level parking, and high-speed Internet

Rooms are limited, so make your reservation today:

Call: 855.729.5133

Or Click Here to Make a Reservation

Our Holiday Inn Express Civic Center offers the best value and the most convenience. Most importantly, we have LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION. We are across from the mall and within walking distance of more than 30 restaurants. No need to rent a car, our complimentary shuttle is available 24-hours-a-day for runs to the airport and in the downtown area. During their stay guests will enjoy the following:

Complimentary Express Start hot buffet breakfast featuring our Quickstart Pancake Station along with our world famous Cinnamon Rolls

Complimentary high-speed, wireless Internet

Convenient location, adjacent to the Civic Center and the Town Center Mall

One to two blocks away from over 50 restaurants and pubs.

In room coffeemakers, full size irons and boards, hairdryers, telephones with voicemail and data ports

Flat screen, HD TV and internet access

On site fitness center

Complimentary airport shuttle service including shuttle service in the downtown area

Complimentary, spacious LIGHTED outdoor parking for all overnight hotel guests

The hotel has recommended everyone use their website as they feel it’s the easiest way to book your room.  See you soon!

Holiday Inn Express

100 Civic Center Drive

Charleston, WV 25301




For pre-registration, rules, divisions, events, and more

check the links below:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules  |  No Gi Rules  |  Experience Levels



2 If By Sea Travel

Gutter Shield

Shield Roofing

Intimidation Clothing

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Class Act Entertainment DJ Service – 304-415-4038

Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS 4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Charleston CVB


Rick Bowman

Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille

Holiday Inn Express – Charleston, WV

Category: Uncategorized

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals


  (Brought to you by the WVGO)

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


The Upcoming ADCC Super Fights Are Amazing!

The Olympics of Grappling return to Charleston, WV with the best Super Fights the state, and region, has ever seen!

Many want to “talk” about being the best, but the proof is in the talent and the results.  The ADCC has consistently provided the world with the best grappler’s and tournaments for many years now, and this year will be no different.  Do NOT miss these incredible athletes showcase their skills in gi and no gi action!

Ricardo Almeida VS Michael Mihas


Ricardo Almeida is one of ADCC’s most accomplished athletes.  He has fought in Pride, Pancrase, the UFC, and is a black belt under the legendary Renzo Gracie.

He holds many grappling titles and has victories over many of the other top grapplers in the world such as: Josh Barnett, Rigan Machado, Dean Lister, Vitor Shaolin, Comprido, and many others.


Michael Mihas, also known as “Mr. Jiu-Jitsu”, across the internet is a black belt under Marcello Monteiro.  He has competed since the mid 90’s and owns several grappling titles regionally and nationally.  He is looking to make his mark by beating a legend.

Nikki Sullivan VS Amanda Leve


Nikki Sullivan is one of the best grapplers around.  She is an ADCC Pro Trials Winner, NoGi Pan winner, and a multiple time IBJJF medalist.  We know that she will put it all on the line and that is why we are excited to have her in the first women’s super fight in WV history.


Amanda Leve is being called “The Next Big Thing” by many in the grappling and MMA community.  She routinely competes against, and beats, male competotors.  She has won numerous NAGA, Grappler’s Quest, and IBJJF titles and had an epic 20 minute match with UFC superstar Cat Zingano while she was still in High School!

Both of these ladies have won the NoGi Pans and are expected to put on an amazing show for all of the fans!

Tom DeBlass VS Noah DeVore


Tom DeBlass is one of the most respected grapplers and trainers in the world.  He is a former Bellator and UFC fighter with an impressive grappling record as well.

Tom is a NoGi world champion, a Pan American champion, an ADCC champion, and owner of several other world titles.  It’s really hard to find many people as accomplished as he is in his weight class.


Noah DeVore has been making waves on the grappling scene for awhile.  He is definitely an upcoming star but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t accomplished a lot already.  He won the ADCC Nationals and followed that up by winning several cash tournament across the east coast.

Noah is looking to show the world who is after this ADCC!

Dante Rivera VS Jesseray Childrey


Dante Rivera is an Ultimate Fighter 7 competitor, a UFC fighter, a Bellator fighter, and a black belt under Ricardo Almeida.  He has won several NAGA titles, Grappler’s Quest titles, and many more.

Dante is looking to get back on the grappling scene and showcase his talents!


Jesseray Childrey is another local grappler who’s looking to show the world what he has.  He has several MMA titles, and several grappling titles in the WVGO, ADCC, EGO, and more.  He recently beat UFC fighter, Matt Mitrione, in a No Gi war as well.

Jesseray is hungry to show the world he is a force to be reconned with!

Christina Linn VS Maddalyn Bean


For the first time ever, we will feature two youth super stars in an orange belt super-fight.

Christina “Lil-Bit” Linn comes from Team Ribeiro in Virginia and she has been tearing it up in competitions everywhere.  She is making a big making a big name for herself and we are proud to have her showcase her skills for you!

FullSizeRender (1)

Maddalyn “Jumping” Bean has made huge waves in the Ohio/Pennsylvania region and trains with a great team out of Next Level.  She is non-stop action and she’s always looking for the finish!

 This super-fight will feature how amazing the youth competitors are becoming and we can’t wait for them to put on a show for everyone in attendance.

We are blessed to have so many amazing competitors and matches to show case.  Don’t miss this epic event on June 11th!

Don’t Miss This Tournament

Clearly, these are the best Super Fights to ever hit the state, or region, and if you are a fan of high level grappling you do not want to miss this event!

The list of high level competitors is far too great for us to even list, but the ADCC is the Olympics of Grappling for a reason.  Pre-register now and save money: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/adcc-gi-no-gi-nationals-return-to-charleston-wv-61116/

Read below for additional information

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals

The Olympics of grappling are ready to return this June 11, 2016 in Charleston, WV and will feature the best grapplers the state has ever seen.

  • Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016

  • Time: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 7:30am and professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.  Kids will start before the pros and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is June 9, 2016)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in all No Gi divisions (Click Here), and modified IBJJF rules in all gi divisions

  • Location: WV State University – Flemmin Hall Gym, 5000 Fairlawn Ave, Institute, WV 25112 (Detailed instructions here)

  • Contact: Butch Hiles Butch@ButchHiles.com

  • Websitehttps://wvgrapplingopen.com/adcc-gi-no-gi-nationals-return-to-charleston-wv-61116/


Category: Uncategorized

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals


 (Brought to you by the WVGO)

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals

The Olympics of grappling are ready to return this June 11, 2016 in Charleston, WV and will feature the best grapplers the state has ever seen.

  • Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016

  • Time: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 7:30am and advanced grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.  Kids will start before the advanced and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is June 9, 2016)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in all No Gi divisions (Click Here), and standard BJJ rules in all gi divisions

  • Location: WV State University – Flemmin Hall Gym, 5000 Fairlawn Ave, Institute, WV 25112 (Detailed instructions here)

  • Contact: Butch Hiles Butch@ButchHiles.com www.wvgrapplingopen.com

ADCC Announces HUGE Super-fights

The Olympics of Grappling return to Charleston, WV with the best Super Fights the state, and region, has ever seen!

The ADCC has consistently provided the world with the best grappler’s and tournaments for many years now, and this year will be no different.  Do NOT miss these incredible athletes showcase their skills in gi and no gi action!

Ricardo Almeida VS Michael Mihas


Ricardo Almeida is one of ADCC’s most accomplished athletes.  He has fought in Pride, Pancrase, the UFC, and is a black belt under the legendary Renzo Gracie.

He holds many grappling titles and has victories over many of the other top grapplers in the world such as: Josh Barnett, Rigan Machado, Dean Lister, Vitor Shaolin, Comprido, and many others.


Michael Mihas, also known as “Mr. Jiu-Jitsu”, across the internet is a black belt under Marcello Monteiro.  He has competed since the mid 90’s and owns several grappling titles regionally and nationally.  He is looking to make his mark by beating a legend.

Nikki Sullivan VS Amanda Leve


Nikki Sullivan is one of the best grapplers around.  She is an ADCC Pro Trials Winner, NoGi Pan winner, and a multiple time IBJJF medalist.  We know that she will put it all on the line and that is why we are excited to have her in the first women’s super fight in WV history.


Amanda Leve is being called “The Next Big Thing” by many in the grappling and MMA community.  She routinely competes against, and beats, male competotors.  She has won numerous NAGA, Grappler’s Quest, and IBJJF titles and had an epic 20 minute match with UFC superstar Cat Zingano while she was still in High School!

Both of these ladies have won the NoGi Pans and are expected to put on an amazing show for all of the fans!

Tom DeBlass VS Noah DeVore


Tom DeBlass is one of the most respected grapplers and trainers in the world.  He is a former Bellator and UFC fighter with an impressive grappling record as well.

Tom is a NoGi world champion, a Pan American champion, an ADCC champion, and owner of several other world titles.  It’s really hard to find many people as accomplished as he is in his weight class.


Noah DeVore has been making waves on the grappling scene for awhile.  He is definitely an upcoming star but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t accomplished a lot already.  He won the ADCC Nationals and followed that up by winning several cash tournament across the east coast.

Noah is looking to show the world who is after this ADCC!

Dante Rivera VS Jesseray Childrey


Dante Rivera is an Ultimate Fighter 7 competitor, a UFC fighter, a Bellator fighter, and a black belt under Ricardo Almeida.  He has won several NAGA titles, Grappler’s Quest titles, and many more.

Dante is looking to get back on the grappling scene and showcase his talents!


Jesseray Childrey is another local grappler who’s looking to show the world what he has.  He has several MMA titles, and several grappling titles in the WVGO, ADCC, EGO, and more.  He recently beat UFC fighter, Matt Mitrione, in a No Gi war as well.

Jesseray is hungry to show the world he is a force to be reconned with!

Christina Linn VS Maddalyn Bean


For the first time ever, we will feature two youth super stars in an orange belt super-fight.

Christina “Lil-Bit” Linn comes from Team Ribeiro in Virginia and she has been tearing it up in competitions everywhere.  She is making a big making a big name for herself and we are proud to have her showcase her skills for you!

FullSizeRender (1)

Maddalyn “Jumping” Bean has made huge waves in the Ohio/Pennsylvania region and trains with a great team out of Next Level.  She is non-stop action and she’s always looking for the finish!

 This super-fight will feature how amazing the youth competitors are becoming and we can’t wait for them to put on a show for everyone in attendance.

We are blessed to have so many amazing competitors and matches to show case.  Don’t miss this epic event on June 11th!

Don’t Miss This Tournament

Clearly, these are the best Super Fights to ever hit the state, or region, and if you are a fan of high level grappling you do not want to miss this event!

The list of high level competitors is far too great for us to even list, but the ADCC is the Olympics of Grappling for a reason.  Pre-register now and save money: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/adcc-gi-no-gi-nationals-return-to-charleston-wv-61116/

Read below for additional information

Tournament Information

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

No Gi Information

Experience levels are the same for kids, junior, adult, and masters

  • Beginner: Less than 2 years experience in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Intermediate: Less than 3 years experience, Max blue belt in BJJ, No medals in Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Advanced: 3 years + experience

Adult Men Weight Classes Beginner & Intermediate:

***Please note that the advanced adult men will have different weight classes than the other divisions

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Advanced Weight Class (Professional)

145.2 & Below 145.3 lbs. to 169.5 lbs. 169.6 lbs. to 193.7 lbs. 193.8 lbs. to 218 lbs. 218.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Masters Beginner – Advanced (30yrs and above)

132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Beginner – Intermediate: 114.4 lbs. & Under 114.5 lbs. – 128 lbs. 128.1 lbs. & Over

Adult Women Advanced (Professional): 132.2 lbs. & Under 132.3 & Over

Age Brackets for Kids: Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12

Weight Classes for Kids (weight classes may be combined if needed):

53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and above

Age Brackets for Juniors (Juniors can compete in adult class but must pay the adult fee): 13-15, 16-17

Weight Classes for Juniors

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, Purple, Brown & Black (Purple-Black will be kept separate whenever possible)

Masters Division (Ages 30 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-15 and 16-17: White/Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts, Blue/Purple Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12: White Belts, Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.wvgrapplingopen.com

Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 Butch@ButchHiles.com

Official ADCC Rules

Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com

At the Door Registration:

85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)



Friday: 6:30-10p at Butch Hiles BJJ, 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301 (Behind host hotel)

Saturday: 7:30-10a* – Kids MUST be weighed-in by 9.

Advanced/Professional divisions should expect to hit the mat by 1030-11am


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Saturday:  Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.

Doors will open at 7:30am.

Saturday Match Schedule

Kids will start at 10am. Advanced/Professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11

We will be running our super-fights first and will follow this with the ADCC no-gi divsions first and will work our way down from Advanced to Beginner.  The gi competition will follow a similar format and will follow the no-gi divisions


Hotel Info

Best Western Logo - 2016

The city of Charleston and the Best Western is offering all the ADCC athletes and fans an incredible discount of only $72/Night.  Please call and make your reservations ASAP and tell them you are with the tournament.  The cut-off date for this deail is: 5/29/16

Best Western Charleston, WV

1010 Washington Street E
Charleston, West Virginia, 25301-1711, US
Phone: 304/345-9779
Accessible pool area

Check In 3PM (15:00)
Check Out 12PM (12:00)



Intimidation Fight Wear

Creative Home Solutions

Gutter Pro WV

Everest College

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS

4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Kona Ice of Charleston, WV

Charleston CVB


Category: Uncategorized


Multiple time grappling champion, Tom DeBlass, to teach an amazing seminar at Butch Hiles BJJ.
You don’t want to miss this event!
Date: 6/9/16
Time: 6p-9p
Cost: $65 if you pre-register by 4/15/16, $75 If you pre-register by 5/15/16, and the price will continue to rise after 5/15/16.
***Special Gift: For those who want to do the seminar and the ADCC on 6/11/16 we will have a special discounted rate for you:
Only $100 if you pre-register for both before 4/15/16
Only $110 if you pre-register 5/15/16
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ & MMA, LLC – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Cap: This event will be capped, so don’t miss your chance to train and learn from one of the best!

Pre-register Here:

***Save as much as $70 by choosing to pre-register for the seminar and ADCC!!!

Pre-Registration Options


 Mixed martial arts
Bellator Vet
ROC Heavyweight Championship
ROC Light Heavyweight Championship
Jiu Jitsu
First person in NJ to win an Adult Black Belt Pan American title
Second person in NJ history to win ADCC North American Trials
2007 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion
2007 World Championships Mundials 3rd place Brown Belt
2007 No Gi World Champion Brown Belt
2008 Pan American Champion Brown Belt
2009 Abu Dhabi North American Trial Champion
2009 Abu Dhabi Combat Club Veteran
2009 Bronze Medalist No Gi World Champion Black Belt
2013 Grapplers Quest National Champ
2013 No Gi Pan American Black Belt Ultra Heavy Champion
2013 No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Championship Bronze medal Super Heavy Black Belt Adult
2013 Grapplers Quest Worlds Expert Division Ultra heavy Champion
2014 Professional Grappling League Super Fight Champion (defeated 370 lb Mark Tarmann)
2014 ADCC NY super fight Champion (defeats Babalu Sobral)
2014 ADCC North American Champion 99 Kg
2015 Defended The Good Fight Submission only Heavyweight Championship: 206+ lbs Defeated Rodrigo Correia (Submission 60:56)
2015 Conquest Submission series drew Joao Asiss
2015 Inducted into NJ Martial Arts hall of fame
2015 No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Championship Black Belt Ultra Heavy Masters Bronze medal
2015 No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Championship Black Belt Open Class Masters Champion
For more information contact:
Butch Hiles
304 549 9370
Butch @ ButchHiles . com (remove the spaces)

More about the ADCC on 6/11/16

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals


  (Brought to you by the WVGO)

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


The Upcoming ADCC Super Fights Are Amazing!

The Olympics of Grappling return to Charleston, WV with the best Super Fights the state, and region, has ever seen!

Many want to “talk” about being the best, but the proof is in the talent and the results.  The ADCC has consistently provided the world with the best grappler’s and tournaments for many years now, and this year will be no different.  Do NOT miss these incredible athletes showcase their skills in gi and no gi action!

Ricardo Almeida VS Michael Mihas


Ricardo Almeida is one of ADCC’s most accomplished athletes.  He has fought in Pride, Pancrase, the UFC, and is a black belt under the legendary Renzo Gracie.

He holds many grappling titles and has victories over many of the other top grapplers in the world such as: Josh Barnett, Rigan Machado, Dean Lister, Vitor Shaolin, Comprido, and many others.


Michael Mihas, also known as “Mr. Jiu-Jitsu”, across the internet is a black belt under Marcello Monteiro.  He has competed since the mid 90’s and owns several grappling titles regionally and nationally.  He is looking to make his mark by beating a legend.

Nikki Sullivan VS Amanda Leve


Nikki Sullivan is one of the best grapplers around.  She is an ADCC Pro Trials Winner, NoGi Pan winner, and a multiple time IBJJF medalist.  We know that she will put it all on the line and that is why we are excited to have her in the first women’s super fight in WV history.


Amanda Leve is being called “The Next Big Thing” by many in the grappling and MMA community.  She routinely competes against, and beats, male competotors.  She has won numerous NAGA, Grappler’s Quest, and IBJJF titles and had an epic 20 minute match with UFC superstar Cat Zingano while she was still in High School!

Both of these ladies have won the NoGi Pans and are expected to put on an amazing show for all of the fans!

Tom DeBlass VS Noah DeVore


Tom DeBlass is one of the most respected grapplers and trainers in the world.  He is a former Bellator and UFC fighter with an impressive grappling record as well.

Tom is a NoGi world champion, a Pan American champion, an ADCC champion, and owner of several other world titles.  It’s really hard to find many people as accomplished as he is in his weight class.


Noah DeVore has been making waves on the grappling scene for awhile.  He is definitely an upcoming star but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t accomplished a lot already.  He won the ADCC Nationals and followed that up by winning several cash tournament across the east coast.

Noah is looking to show the world who is after this ADCC!

Dante Rivera VS Jesseray Childrey


Dante Rivera is an Ultimate Fighter 7 competitor, a UFC fighter, a Bellator fighter, and a black belt under Ricardo Almeida.  He has won several NAGA titles, Grappler’s Quest titles, and many more.

Dante is looking to get back on the grappling scene and showcase his talents!


Jesseray Childrey is another local grappler who’s looking to show the world what he has.  He has several MMA titles, and several grappling titles in the WVGO, ADCC, EGO, and more.  He recently beat UFC fighter, Matt Mitrione, in a No Gi war as well.

Jesseray is hungry to show the world he is a force to be reconned with!

Christina Linn VS Maddalyn Bean


For the first time ever, we will feature two youth super stars in an orange belt super-fight.

Christina “Lil-Bit” Linn comes from Team Ribeiro in Virginia and she has been tearing it up in competitions everywhere.  She is making a big making a big name for herself and we are proud to have her showcase her skills for you!

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Maddalyn “Jumping” Bean has made huge waves in the Ohio/Pennsylvania region and trains with a great team out of Next Level.  She is non-stop action and she’s always looking for the finish!

 This super-fight will feature how amazing the youth competitors are becoming and we can’t wait for them to put on a show for everyone in attendance.

We are blessed to have so many amazing competitors and matches to show case.  Don’t miss this epic event on June 11th!

Don’t Miss This Tournament

Clearly, these are the best Super Fights to ever hit the state, or region, and if you are a fan of high level grappling you do not want to miss this event!

The list of high level competitors is far too great for us to even list, but the ADCC is the Olympics of Grappling for a reason.  Pre-register now and save money: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/adcc-gi-no-gi-nationals-return-to-charleston-wv-61116/

Read below for additional information

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals

The Olympics of grappling are ready to return this June 11, 2016 in Charleston, WV and will feature the best grapplers the state has ever seen.

  • Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016

  • Time: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.  Kids will start before the pros and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is June 9, 2016)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in all No Gi divisions (Click Here), and modified IBJJF rules in all gi divisions

  • Location: WV State University – Flemmin Hall Gym, 5000 Fairlawn Ave, Institute, WV 25112 (Detailed instructions here)

  • Contact: Butch Hiles Butch@ButchHiles.com

  • Websitehttps://wvgrapplingopen.com/adcc-gi-no-gi-nationals-return-to-charleston-wv-61116/


Category: Uncategorized

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GZFSMorgantown, WV

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