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  • ‍2018 Results Gi & No Gi State Championship

2018 Team State Championship Titles:

2018 Overall Adult Team State Champions


2. Ground Zero/SAS

2018 Overall Youth Team State Champions


2. Butch Hiles BJJ

Individual State Titles

***Please send any corrections to info@thewvgames.com***

Men’s No Gi Advanced

No Gi Advanced Mens 149 and Under

1. Justin Parks (MCC)

No Gi Advanced Mens 150-164.9

1. Josh Fowler (GZFS)
2. Jesse Riffee (GZFS) 

No Gi Advanced Mens 165-179.9

1. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)
2. Zachary Humberson (GZFS)
3. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)

No Gi Advanced Mens 180-194.9

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Michael Converse (GZ)

No Gi Advanced 195-209.9

1. Rob Tassen (GZ)

No Gi Advanced 225 and up

1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Anthony Poor (MCC)
3. Daniel Kennon (MCC)

No Gi Advanced Absolute

1. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
2. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
3. Josh Fowler (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Advanced

Masters No Gi Advanced 149 and Under

1. Josh Fowler (GZFS)
2. Josh Dempsey (Hiles)

Masters No Gi Advanced 165-179.9

1. Jonathon Rowh (GZFS)
2. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
3. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Advanced 195-224.9

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)
3. Jeremy Wolfe (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Advanced 225 and Above

1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
3. Anthony Poor (MCC)

Masters No Gi Advanced Absolute

1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
3. Richard Ellis GZ)

Men’s No Gi Intermediate

No Gi Intermediate Mens 149 and Under

1. Jacob Mills (GZ)
2. Jason Hunter (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 150-164.9

1. Ross Willison (Hiles)
2. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 165-179.9

1. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)
2. Luke Lago (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 180-194.9

1. Nick Valachovic (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 195-209.9

1. Jermaine Maye (GZFS)
2. James Montgomery (GZ)
3. Zachary Mills (Park Martial Arts)

No Gi Intermediate Mens 225 and Above

1. Garret Stanley (GZFS)
2. Ian Hashimura (GZ/SAS)
3. Eric Stewart (MCC)

No Gi Intermediate Absolute

1. Luke Lago (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Intermediate

Masters No Gi Intermediate 165-179.9

1. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Intermediate Mens 180-194.9

1. Nick (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)

Masters No Gi Intermediate Mens Absolute

1. Nick (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)

Men’s No Gi Beginner

No Gi Beginner Mens 149 and Under

1. Steven Ware (GZ)
2. Danny Stubbs (GZ/SAS)
3. Truman Englad (GZFS)

No Gi Beginner Mens 150-164.9

1. Robert Fuller (GZ)
2. Jason Chall (GZ)

No Gi Beginner Mens 180-194.9

1. Brett Bumar (GZFS)
2. Cameron Gore (GZFS)

No Gi Beginner Mens 195-209.9

1. Michael Jordan
2. Austin Persinger (East Park)

No Gi Beginner 210-224.9

1. Travis Walls (GZFS)
2. Mike Daly (GZFS)

No Gi Beginner Mens 225 and Above

1. Craig Davis (GZFS)

No Gi Beginner Mens Absolute

1. Derek Bowman (SAS)
2. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)

Masters No Gi Beginner

Masters No Gi Beginner Mens 165-179.9

1. Jason Chall (GZ)
2. James Simpson (GZFS)

Masters Beginner 195-209

1. Austin Persinger (East Park)
2. Craig Davis (GZFS)

Masters Beginner 210-224.9

1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Peter Welch
3. Jeremy Sloane (Hiles)

Women’s No Gi


No Gi Women 135lbs and Under

1. Ashley Ford (GZFS)
2. Lyndsey Watkins (GZ)
3. Jordyn Henigin (GZFS)

No Gi Women 136lbs and Above

1. Brandi Trail (Ribeiro)
2. Callie Goodwin (GZFS)


No Gi Women Intermediate 136lbs and Above

1. Chey Hall (GZFS)
2. Megan White (GZFS)
3. Miranda Allen (SWMA)

Kids No Gi


No Gi Kids 5-7 Under 53lbs

1. Remy Pill (GZFS)
2. Mia Maynard (GZ)
3. Levi Stire (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 62.1-70

1. Zoe Davis (GZFS)
2. Dallas Pasline (Hiles)

No Gi Kids 8-10 70.1-80lbs

1. Alex Greene (GZFS)
2. Andrew Harris (Palhares)
3. Caiden Hale (GZ)

No Gi Kids 8-10 88.1-110lbs

1. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)
2. Loualai Grant (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 121.1 and Up

1. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)
2. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)

No Gi Kids 11-12 88.1-99

1. Riley Perkins (GZFS)
2. Charisma Crouse (Hiles)

No Gi Kids 11-12 110-121.9

1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Lincoln Daetwyler
3. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)


No Gi Kids 5-7 Intermediate 53lbs and Under

1. Bentley Trotto (GZFS)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 53.1-62lbs

1. Julian Sawyer (GZFS)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 62.1-70lbs

1. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
2. Braiden Maynard (GZ)
3. Logan Moore (Level Martial Arts)

No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 70.1-88lbs

1. John Kloss (Top Level)
2. Joseph Brown (GZFS)
3. Lucas Shawyer (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 99.1-110lbs

1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
3. Aeden Hawkins (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 62.1-79lbs

1. Xaden Willett (GZFS)
2. Dylon Albright (GZ)
3. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 88.1-99lbs

1. Ayden Hill (Hiles)
2. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
3. Jacob Brown (GZFS)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 99.1-110lbs

1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 121lbs+

1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Caleb Martin (Hiles)

No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate Exhibition

1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Madelin Lytton (Hiles)

Teen Intermediate

No Gi Teen Intermediate 13-15 132 and Under

1. JT Miller (GZFS)
2. Cade Lytton (Hiles)
3. Tyler Kepple (Hiles)

No Gi Teen Intermediate 16-17 132-167

1. Keith Pecora (SAS)
2. Shaun Wells (GZFS)


No Gi Kids 8-12 Exhibition

1. Madelin Lytton (Hiles)
2. Ariana Hale (GZ)


Teen 13-15 154.1-167

1. Evan Davis (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)

Teen 13-15 183.1-200

1. Landon Tinchenor (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)

Kids Gi

White Belt

Gi Kids 5-7 53 and Under

1. Mia Maynard (GZ)
2. Remy Pill (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 62.1-70

1. Braiden Maynard (GZ)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)
3. Dallas Pauline (Hiles)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 70.1-79

1. Caiden Hale (GZ)
2. Alex Greene (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 88.1-99

1. Loralai Grant (GZFS)
2. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)

Gi Kids 11-12 White Belt 70.1-79

1. Dylan Albright (GZ)
2. Charisma Crouse (Hiles)

Gi Kids 11-12 White/Grey Belt Exhibition 121

1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)


Gi Teen 16-17 White Belt 132.1-154

1. Isaiah Smerecansly (Family)
2. Josh Groff (Dogs of the Earth)

Grey Belt

Gi Kids 5-7 53lbs and Under

1. Bentley Trotb (GZFS)
2. Levi Stire (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 53.1-62lbs

1. Ariana Hale (GZ)
2. Julian Sawyer (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 79.1-88

1. Joseph Brown (GZFS)
2. Lucas Sawyer (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 88 Plus

1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Zoe Davis (GZFS)

Gi Kids 8-10 121 Exhibition

1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)

Gi Kids 11-12 Grey 62.1-70

1. Xaden Willett (GZFS)
2. Ariana Hale (GZ)

Gi Kids 11-12 Grey 88-99

1. Jacob Brown (GZFS)
2. Madeline Lytton (Hiles)
3. Riley Perkins (GZFS)

Teen Grey Belt

Gi Kids 13-15 Grey 132 and Under

1. JT Miller (GZFS)
2. Cade Lytton (Hiles)
3. Tyler Kepple (Hiles)

Gi Kids 13-15 Grey 154.1-167

1. Landon Tichenor (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)

Kids Yellow Belts

Gi Kids 8-10 Yellow 62.1-70

1. Logan Moore (Level Martial Arts)
2. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
3. John Kloss (Top Level)

Gi Kids 8-10 Yellow 60.1-79

1. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
2. Andrew Harris (Palhares)

Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow/White 88.1-99

1. Ayden Hill (Hiles)
2. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
3. Adam Davis (GZFS)

Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow/White 88.1-110

1. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
2. Brian Wheeler (GZ)

Gi Kids 11-12 Orange/White

1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Jude Price (Hiles)

Teen Orange Belt

Gi Kids Teen 13-15 Orange 154-167

1. Evan Davis (GZFS)
2. Jude Price (Hiles)

Teen Blue Belt

16-17 Blue 132 Plus

1. Keith Pecora (SAS)
2. Shaun Wells (GZFS)

Women’s Gi

Women’s Gi White Belt Under 135

1. Lyndsey Watkins (GZ)
2. Ashley Ford (GZFS)
3. Jordyn Henigin (GZFS)

Women’s Gi White Belt 136 and Above

1. Brandi Trail (Ribeiro)
2. Megan White (GZFS)
3. Callie Goodwin (GZFS)

Women’s Gi Blue Belt 136 and Up

1. Chey Hall (GZFS)
2. Amanda Jarvis (GZ)
3. Miranda Allen (SWMA)

Women’s Gi Masters Blue Belt 136 and Up

1. Amanda Jarvis (GZ)

Men’s Gi Divisions

White Belt 149 and Under

1. Daniel Edwards (SWMA)
2. Seth McCann (GZFS)
3. Alexander Molina (GZ)

White Belt 150-164.9

1. Ross Willison (Hiles)
2. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)
3. Cody England (GZFS)

White Belt 165-179.9

1. Ray Wolfe (GZ)
2. Robert Fuller (GZ)

White Belt 180-194.9

1. Brett Bumar (GZFS)
2. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
3. Cameron Gore (GZFS)

White Belt 195-209

1. James Montgomery (GZ)
2. Zachary Mills (Park Martial Arts)
3. Austin Persinger (East Park)

White Belt Mens 210-224

1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Ian Hashimura (SAS)
3. Travis Walls (GZFS)

White Belt 225 and Above

1. G Stanley 
2. Michael Phelps (MCC)
3. Derek Stallman (GZFS)

White Belt Mens Absolute

1. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
2. Ross Willison (Hiles)
3. Justin Houck (GZ)

Masters White Belt

149 and Under

1. Chris Fasnacht (Carlson)


1. Ross Willson (Hiles)
2. Jason Chall (GZ)
3. Chris Fasnacht (Carlson)


1. David Burgess (Family)
2. James Simpson (GZFS)
3. Ray Wolfe (GZ)


1. Nick Valachavic (GZFS)
2. Vladamir Jean-Phillippe (GZFS)


1. Robby Randolph (Marrietta Combat)
2. Austin Persinger (East Park)


1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Peter Welch
3. Jeremy Sloan (Hiles)

225 and Above

1. Thomas Reeves (Palhares)
2. Craig Davis (GZFS)

Masters White Absolute

1. Vladamir Jean-Phillippe (GZFS)
2. Ross Willson (Hiles)
3. Cameron Gore (GZFS)

Men’s Blue Belt

149 and Under

1. Mickey Sanchez (GZ)
2. Jacob Mills (GZ)
3. Clint Vernieu (Hiles)


1. Luke Lago (GZFS)
2. James Riffee (GZFS)
3. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)


1. Jermaine Maye (GZ)
2. Dennis Statton (Ribiero)


1. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
2. Eric Stewart (MCC)
3. Dennis Statton (Ribiero)

Blue Belt Absolute

1. Mickey Sanchez (GZ)
2. Luke Lago (GZFS)
3. Clint Vernieu (Hiles)

Masters Blue Belt

MASTERS Blue Belt 195-209.9

1. Jeremy Wolfe (GZFS)
2. Jesse Meyers  (GZFS)

Men’s Purple Belt

Purple Belt 149 and 150-164 Combined

1. Collin Caprini (GZFS)
2. Justin Parks (MCC)

Purple Belt 165-179

1. Michael Converse (GZ)
2. Collin Caprini (GZFS)
3. Zachary Humberson (GZFS)

Purple Belt 195-209

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)

Purple Belt 225 and Above

1. Anthony Poor (MCC)

Purple Belt Absolute

1. Anthony Poor (MCC)
2. Wes Thompson (Ribeiro)
3. Collin Caprini (GZFS)

Masters Purple Belt

MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 149 and Under

1. Justin Parks (MCC)
2. Devon Bailey (Hiles)

MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 165-179.9

1. Jonathon Rowh (GZ)
2. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)

MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 195-209.9

1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)

MASTERS Purple Belt 210-224.9

1. Rob Tassen (GZ)
2. Richard Ellis (GZ)

MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 225 and Up

1. Gary Hashman 
2. Anthony Poor (MCC)
3. Wes Thompson (Ribeiro)

MASTERS Purple Absolute

1. Anthony Poor (MCC)
2. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)

Men’s Black Belt

Black Belt Absolute

1. Travis Cowles (GZFS)
2. Joshua Fowler (GZFS)

Category: Uncategorized

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Hello Mr Hiles, I am Thomas Sisemore’s father. I’m sure you recall spending a few minutes with my son during the day at Saturday’s WVGO Breast Cancer Benefit. Anyway, I wanted to express my deepest appreciation for the manner in which the event was conducted. From the people who attended to the ethical grappling to the manner in which you and your family managed the event, it reminded me of when I was a boy in Texas competing in outdoor motocross in the late 70’s. Everyone there was the… Read more
Bill Sisemore

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Reigning Overall Team State Champions

2009 Butch Hiles BJJ
2010 GZFS
2011 Butch Hiles BJJ
2012 GZFS
2013 GZFS
2014 Ground Zero Huntington
2015 Team SAS
2016 Ground Zero Huntington
2017 Ground Zero Huntington
2018 GZFS
2019 Team SAS
2021 Team SAS
2022 GZFS

WVGO Black Belt Sponsors

Blue Belt Sponsors