***Please send any corrections to info@thewvgames.com***
No Gi Advanced Mens 149 and Under
1. Justin Parks (MCC)
No Gi Advanced Mens 150-164.9
1. Josh Fowler (GZFS)
2. Jesse Riffee (GZFS)
No Gi Advanced Mens 165-179.9
1. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)
2. Zachary Humberson (GZFS)
3. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
No Gi Advanced Mens 180-194.9
1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Michael Converse (GZ)
No Gi Advanced 195-209.9
1. Rob Tassen (GZ)
No Gi Advanced 225 and up
1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Anthony Poor (MCC)
3. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
No Gi Advanced Absolute
1. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
2. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
3. Josh Fowler (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Advanced 149 and Under
1. Josh Fowler (GZFS)
2. Josh Dempsey (Hiles)
Masters No Gi Advanced 165-179.9
1. Jonathon Rowh (GZFS)
2. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
3. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Advanced 195-224.9
1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)
3. Jeremy Wolfe (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Advanced 225 and Above
1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
3. Anthony Poor (MCC)
Masters No Gi Advanced Absolute
1. Travis Cowley (GZFS)
2. Daniel Kennon (MCC)
3. Richard Ellis GZ)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 149 and Under
1. Jacob Mills (GZ)
2. Jason Hunter (GZFS)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 150-164.9
1. Ross Willison (Hiles)
2. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 165-179.9
1. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)
2. Luke Lago (GZFS)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 180-194.9
1. Nick Valachovic (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 195-209.9
1. Jermaine Maye (GZFS)
2. James Montgomery (GZ)
3. Zachary Mills (Park Martial Arts)
No Gi Intermediate Mens 225 and Above
1. Garret Stanley (GZFS)
2. Ian Hashimura (GZ/SAS)
3. Eric Stewart (MCC)
No Gi Intermediate Absolute
1. Luke Lago (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Intermediate 165-179.9
1. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Intermediate Mens 180-194.9
1. Nick (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
Masters No Gi Intermediate Mens Absolute
1. Nick (GZFS)
2. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
3. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
No Gi Beginner Mens 149 and Under
1. Steven Ware (GZ)
2. Danny Stubbs (GZ/SAS)
3. Truman Englad (GZFS)
No Gi Beginner Mens 150-164.9
1. Robert Fuller (GZ)
2. Jason Chall (GZ)
No Gi Beginner Mens 180-194.9
1. Brett Bumar (GZFS)
2. Cameron Gore (GZFS)
No Gi Beginner Mens 195-209.9
1. Michael Jordan
2. Austin Persinger (East Park)
No Gi Beginner 210-224.9
1. Travis Walls (GZFS)
2. Mike Daly (GZFS)
No Gi Beginner Mens 225 and Above
1. Craig Davis (GZFS)
No Gi Beginner Mens Absolute
1. Derek Bowman (SAS)
2. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)
Masters No Gi Beginner Mens 165-179.9
1. Jason Chall (GZ)
2. James Simpson (GZFS)
Masters Beginner 195-209
1. Austin Persinger (East Park)
2. Craig Davis (GZFS)
Masters Beginner 210-224.9
1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Peter Welch
3. Jeremy Sloane (Hiles)
No Gi Women 135lbs and Under
1. Ashley Ford (GZFS)
2. Lyndsey Watkins (GZ)
3. Jordyn Henigin (GZFS)
No Gi Women 136lbs and Above
1. Brandi Trail (Ribeiro)
2. Callie Goodwin (GZFS)
No Gi Women Intermediate 136lbs and Above
1. Chey Hall (GZFS)
2. Megan White (GZFS)
3. Miranda Allen (SWMA)
No Gi Kids 5-7 Under 53lbs
1. Remy Pill (GZFS)
2. Mia Maynard (GZ)
3. Levi Stire (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-10 62.1-70
1. Zoe Davis (GZFS)
2. Dallas Pasline (Hiles)
No Gi Kids 8-10 70.1-80lbs
1. Alex Greene (GZFS)
2. Andrew Harris (Palhares)
3. Caiden Hale (GZ)
No Gi Kids 8-10 88.1-110lbs
1. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)
2. Loualai Grant (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-10 121.1 and Up
1. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)
2. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)
No Gi Kids 11-12 88.1-99
1. Riley Perkins (GZFS)
2. Charisma Crouse (Hiles)
No Gi Kids 11-12 110-121.9
1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Lincoln Daetwyler
3. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 5-7 Intermediate 53lbs and Under
1. Bentley Trotto (GZFS)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 53.1-62lbs
1. Julian Sawyer (GZFS)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 62.1-70lbs
1. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
2. Braiden Maynard (GZ)
3. Logan Moore (Level Martial Arts)
No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 70.1-88lbs
1. John Kloss (Top Level)
2. Joseph Brown (GZFS)
3. Lucas Shawyer (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-10 Intermediate 99.1-110lbs
1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
3. Aeden Hawkins (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 62.1-79lbs
1. Xaden Willett (GZFS)
2. Dylon Albright (GZ)
3. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 88.1-99lbs
1. Ayden Hill (Hiles)
2. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
3. Jacob Brown (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 99.1-110lbs
1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Chuck Wheeler (GZ)
No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate 121lbs+
1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
No Gi Kids 11-12 Intermediate Exhibition
1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Madelin Lytton (Hiles)
Teen Intermediate
No Gi Teen Intermediate 13-15 132 and Under
1. JT Miller (GZFS)
2. Cade Lytton (Hiles)
3. Tyler Kepple (Hiles)
No Gi Teen Intermediate 16-17 132-167
1. Keith Pecora (SAS)
2. Shaun Wells (GZFS)
No Gi Kids 8-12 Exhibition
1. Madelin Lytton (Hiles)
2. Ariana Hale (GZ)
Teen 13-15 154.1-167
1. Evan Davis (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)
Teen 13-15 183.1-200
1. Landon Tinchenor (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)
White Belt
Gi Kids 5-7 53 and Under
1. Mia Maynard (GZ)
2. Remy Pill (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 62.1-70
1. Braiden Maynard (GZ)
2. Collen Pill (GZFS)
3. Dallas Pauline (Hiles)
Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 70.1-79
1. Caiden Hale (GZ)
2. Alex Greene (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 White Belt 88.1-99
1. Loralai Grant (GZFS)
2. Tyler Crouse (Hiles)
Gi Kids 11-12 White Belt 70.1-79
1. Dylan Albright (GZ)
2. Charisma Crouse (Hiles)
Gi Kids 11-12 White/Grey Belt Exhibition 121
1. Caleb Martin (Hiles)
2. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)
Gi Teen 16-17 White Belt 132.1-154
1. Isaiah Smerecansly (Family)
2. Josh Groff (Dogs of the Earth)
Gi Kids 5-7 53lbs and Under
1. Bentley Trotb (GZFS)
2. Levi Stire (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 53.1-62lbs
1. Ariana Hale (GZ)
2. Julian Sawyer (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 79.1-88
1. Joseph Brown (GZFS)
2. Lucas Sawyer (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 88 Plus
1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Zoe Davis (GZFS)
Gi Kids 8-10 121 Exhibition
1. Lincoln Daetwyler (Palhares)
2. Ash Hawkins (GZFS)
Gi Kids 11-12 Grey 62.1-70
1. Xaden Willett (GZFS)
2. Ariana Hale (GZ)
Gi Kids 11-12 Grey 88-99
1. Jacob Brown (GZFS)
2. Madeline Lytton (Hiles)
3. Riley Perkins (GZFS)
Gi Kids 13-15 Grey 132 and Under
1. JT Miller (GZFS)
2. Cade Lytton (Hiles)
3. Tyler Kepple (Hiles)
Gi Kids 13-15 Grey 154.1-167
1. Landon Tichenor (GZFS)
2. Sam Tiano (Hiles)
Gi Kids 8-10 Yellow 62.1-70
1. Logan Moore (Level Martial Arts)
2. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
3. John Kloss (Top Level)
Gi Kids 8-10 Yellow 60.1-79
1. Zack Shawver (Hiles)
2. Andrew Harris (Palhares)
Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow/White 88.1-99
1. Ayden Hill (Hiles)
2. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
3. Adam Davis (GZFS)
Gi Kids 11-12 Yellow/White 88.1-110
1. Marcus Shawver (Hiles)
2. Brian Wheeler (GZ)
Gi Kids 11-12 Orange/White
1. Abby Frederick (GZFS)
2. Jude Price (Hiles)
Gi Kids Teen 13-15 Orange 154-167
1. Evan Davis (GZFS)
2. Jude Price (Hiles)
16-17 Blue 132 Plus
1. Keith Pecora (SAS)
2. Shaun Wells (GZFS)
Women’s Gi White Belt Under 135
1. Lyndsey Watkins (GZ)
2. Ashley Ford (GZFS)
3. Jordyn Henigin (GZFS)
Women’s Gi White Belt 136 and Above
1. Brandi Trail (Ribeiro)
2. Megan White (GZFS)
3. Callie Goodwin (GZFS)
Women’s Gi Blue Belt 136 and Up
1. Chey Hall (GZFS)
2. Amanda Jarvis (GZ)
3. Miranda Allen (SWMA)
Women’s Gi Masters Blue Belt 136 and Up
1. Amanda Jarvis (GZ)
White Belt 149 and Under
1. Daniel Edwards (SWMA)
2. Seth McCann (GZFS)
3. Alexander Molina (GZ)
White Belt 150-164.9
1. Ross Willison (Hiles)
2. Daniel Veizaga (GZFS)
3. Cody England (GZFS)
White Belt 165-179.9
1. Ray Wolfe (GZ)
2. Robert Fuller (GZ)
White Belt 180-194.9
1. Brett Bumar (GZFS)
2. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
3. Cameron Gore (GZFS)
White Belt 195-209
1. James Montgomery (GZ)
2. Zachary Mills (Park Martial Arts)
3. Austin Persinger (East Park)
White Belt Mens 210-224
1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Ian Hashimura (SAS)
3. Travis Walls (GZFS)
White Belt 225 and Above
1. G Stanley
2. Michael Phelps (MCC)
3. Derek Stallman (GZFS)
White Belt Mens Absolute
1. Vladimir Jean Philippe (GZFS)
2. Ross Willison (Hiles)
3. Justin Houck (GZ)
149 and Under
1. Chris Fasnacht (Carlson)
1. Ross Willson (Hiles)
2. Jason Chall (GZ)
3. Chris Fasnacht (Carlson)
1. David Burgess (Family)
2. James Simpson (GZFS)
3. Ray Wolfe (GZ)
1. Nick Valachavic (GZFS)
2. Vladamir Jean-Phillippe (GZFS)
1. Robby Randolph (Marrietta Combat)
2. Austin Persinger (East Park)
1. Mike Daly (GZFS)
2. Peter Welch
3. Jeremy Sloan (Hiles)
225 and Above
1. Thomas Reeves (Palhares)
2. Craig Davis (GZFS)
Masters White Absolute
1. Vladamir Jean-Phillippe (GZFS)
2. Ross Willson (Hiles)
3. Cameron Gore (GZFS)
149 and Under
1. Mickey Sanchez (GZ)
2. Jacob Mills (GZ)
3. Clint Vernieu (Hiles)
1. Luke Lago (GZFS)
2. James Riffee (GZFS)
3. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)
1. Jermaine Maye (GZ)
2. Dennis Statton (Ribiero)
1. Eli Hawkins (GZFS)
2. Eric Stewart (MCC)
3. Dennis Statton (Ribiero)
Blue Belt Absolute
1. Mickey Sanchez (GZ)
2. Luke Lago (GZFS)
3. Clint Vernieu (Hiles)
MASTERS Blue Belt 195-209.9
1. Jeremy Wolfe (GZFS)
2. Jesse Meyers (GZFS)
Purple Belt 149 and 150-164 Combined
1. Collin Caprini (GZFS)
2. Justin Parks (MCC)
Purple Belt 165-179
1. Michael Converse (GZ)
2. Collin Caprini (GZFS)
3. Zachary Humberson (GZFS)
Purple Belt 195-209
1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)
Purple Belt 225 and Above
1. Anthony Poor (MCC)
Purple Belt Absolute
1. Anthony Poor (MCC)
2. Wes Thompson (Ribeiro)
3. Collin Caprini (GZFS)
MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 149 and Under
1. Justin Parks (MCC)
2. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 165-179.9
1. Jonathon Rowh (GZ)
2. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 195-209.9
1. Charlie See (GZ)
2. Robert Tassen (GZ)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
MASTERS Purple Belt 210-224.9
1. Rob Tassen (GZ)
2. Richard Ellis (GZ)
MASTERS Purple Belt Mens 225 and Up
1. Gary Hashman
2. Anthony Poor (MCC)
3. Wes Thompson (Ribeiro)
MASTERS Purple Absolute
1. Anthony Poor (MCC)
2. Clint Heinrich (GZFS)
3. Devon Bailey (Hiles)
Black Belt Absolute
1. Travis Cowles (GZFS)
2. Joshua Fowler (GZFS)
At the Door Registration
85$ at the event for adult men and women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register by 8/16/18
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)
Adults 8-10:30a
Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island
***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on
Starting Time and Rules Meeting
Tournament Schedule:
Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM
***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down
Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM
***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions
Saturday Match Schedule
10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin
11:00-11:30AM Finish Bracketing and Adult Matches Start
12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin
***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM
Things to Bring & Other Event Info
This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.
In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed. Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.
Map of Events
The West Virginia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships are set to return this August 18th in Charleston, WV as part of Sportsfest 2018.
***Due to the size of the tournament, we will require all youth competitors (5-17) to be registered by 8/16/18. Adult competitors can register online or at the door.
Stay tuned for more big announcements
All 1st-3rd place finishers will win an official state championship medal and be declared the WV State Grappling Champion of 2018.
The team with the highest amount of team wins (1st-3rd) will receive a custom state championship banner to hang in there gym with the year that their team has won. Previous team winners have been GZFS (2010, 2012, and 2013), Butch Hiles BJJ (2009 and 2011), GZ Huntington 2014, SAS 2015, and Ground Zero Huntington 2016/17.
Pre-Register now:
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 16th.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 85$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 8/16/18 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is August 16th, 2018.
***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/16/18. There will be no registration for youth after this time. However, adults may pre-register or register at the door
Pre-Registration Link:
Sports Fest 2018
On Saturday, August 18th, 2018 Charleston, West Virginia will, once again, host the official state Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships as part of the “West Virginia Games.” The WV Games is a huge event that takes place on Magic Island, which is located on the Kanawha River in the capital of West Virginia and offers a scenic backdrop to a flurry of athletic competitions and events. This is a family friendly event and we encourage all of our competitors to bring their friends and families so they can enjoy all of the other events and activities during the tournament.
Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships, the WV Games will also feature several family friendly sporting events from all around the state and country. With the addition of our numerous vendors and activities, we feel that this is an event that everyone should try and make part of their schedule because it is very rare that you can keep the entire family entertained while waiting for your chance to hit the mats.
Sports Fest is a professional volleyball tournament and a professional jet-ski event that will be featured on national television. This will just add to the excitement bring bigger and better things to the event as a whole! For more information on sports fest click: http://www.evptour.com/
As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair for all and offers a ton of matches at a low price. In fact, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of six times, if they compete in their respective divisions in both the gi and no gi tournaments as well as the absolute divisions. Keep an eye out for continued updates.
There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:
Adult Men: 149.9 & Below 150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs. 165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs. 180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs. 195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs. 210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs. 225 lbs. & Above
Adult Women: 135 & Under (Lightweight) 136 & Over (Middleweight)
Weight classes and age brackets for teens and children:
Teens 13-15, 16-17
132 lbs. & Below
132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs.
143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs.
154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs.
167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs.
183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs.
200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs.
220.1 lbs. & Above
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12
53 lbs. & Below
53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs.
62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs.
70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs.
79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs.
88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs.
99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs.
110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs.
121.1 lbs. and Above
Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above
Teen Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White (Usually combined with white), Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple
Children Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White (Usually combined with white), Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green
Adult No Gi Competitors:
*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions
*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division
Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Teens 13-17
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Kids 5-12
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 info@theWVgames.com
Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 16th.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 85$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 8/16/18 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is August 16th, 2018.
***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/16/18. There will be no registration for youth after this time. However, adults may pre-register or register at the door.
Please let me know if there are any questions,
Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com
304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com
At the Door Registration:
85$ at the event for adult men and women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)
Adults 8-10:30a
Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island
***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on
Starting Time and Rules Meeting
Tournament Schedule:
Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM
***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down
Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM
***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions
Saturday Match Schedule
10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin
11:00AM Adult Matches Start
11:00AM – No Gi Superfight Between Craig Edmondson and Matt Shaffer
11:30-12 Finish Bracketing
12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin
***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM
Things to Bring & Other Event Info
This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.
In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed. Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.
Map of Events
After Party
For those looking for something to eat and drink before you head home, meet us at the official after party spot – Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille
Or Click Here to Make a Reservations
Quality Inn & Suites
1010 Washington St E
Charleston, WV 25301
For pre-registration, rules, divisions, events, and more
check the links below:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules | No Gi Rules | Experience Levels
Grose Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Class Act Entertainment DJ Service – 304-415-4038
Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS 4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661
Interventional Pain Services of WV
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2018
Time: Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Cost: Only $65 for those who preregister and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, (Pre-registration must be in our hands no later than 6/7/18). It is $75 at the door. Pre-register now and save money.
Format: Gi and No Gi SUBMISSION ONLY, NO time Limit, No Points, and No excuses. Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions
Location: Elk Middle, 5090 Elk River Road North
Elkview, WV 25071
Pre-register: Pre-register now and save $$
As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).
There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above). The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:
Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above
***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class. In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible
Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)
Age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, Teens 13-15, 16-17
Weight classes and age brackets for teens and children:
Teens 13-15, 16-17
132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. & Above
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12
53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and Above
Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above
Adult No Gi Competitors:
*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions
*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division
Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Teens 13-17 No Gi
Teen Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White & Grey, Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple
****Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Kids 5-12 No Gi
Children Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White & Grey, Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is June 7th, 2018.
Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want. It is 75$ at the door for all competitors (the final date to pre-register is June 7, 2018).
***There are no refunds for pre-registrations. However, if you can’t make it, we will hold your pre-registration money for any additional upcoming tournament. Therefore, you will never lose your pre-registration money.
Adult Men
Adult Women
Grose Chiropractic and Wellness Center will be offering ice packs, knee and elbow sleeves, ice wrapping, k-taping and two tables for therapy. Please stop by and see them!
Saturday 8am-10:30am
Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com
304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com
At the Door Registration:
All competitors may still register at the door.
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2017
Time: Adult Tournament 12pm, Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am. Kids will start at 10am
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 75$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 9/14/17 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is September 14th, 2017
***All athletes who competed in the State Championship with receive an addition $10 off or their registration. Just email us your receipt and name and you will be sent back the $10 off of you registration (Must be done at pre-registation)
***Due to the size of the tournament, we will require all youth competitors (5-17) to be registered by 9/14/17. Adult competitors can register online or at the door.
Stay tuned for more big announcements
EBI Submission Only and the WV Fit Expo
The WVGO is excited to bring to you this exciting new format that is sure to keep the action going. There will be no points and no excuses. Bring the family out and have a great time, while you enjoy all of the other events.
Rules: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/rules/
The WV Fit Expo is a family-friendly event which brings together fitness enthusiasts ranging from bodybuilders and powerlifters to jiu-jitsu participants, personal trainers, group exercise instructors, CrossFit enthusiasts, competitive athletes and even the weekend warrior.
Attendees have the chance to discover new health and wellness products and services, supplements, healthy food services, equipment, apparel, witness live fitness competitions, and much more.
This unprecedented event in WV will feature:
International Powerlifting League-Junior Cup
Intense Strongman Corp-National Championship
Submission Grappling tournament
Saturday 9am-5:30pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:
Adult Men: 149.9 & Below 150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs. 165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs. 180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs. 195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs. 210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs. 225 lbs. & Above
Adult Women: 135 & Under (Lightweight) 136 & Over (Middleweight)
Weight classes and age brackets for teens and children:
Teens 13-15, 16-17
132 lbs. & Below
132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs.
143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs.
154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs.
167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs.
183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs.
200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs.
220.1 lbs. & Above
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12
53 lbs. & Below
53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs.
62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs.
70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs.
79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs.
88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs.
99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs.
110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs.
121.1 lbs. and Above
Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above
Teen Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White & Grey, Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple
Children Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White & Grey, Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green
Adult No Gi Competitors:
Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions
*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division
Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Teens 13-17
Beginner No Gi: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
Intermediate: (one year – two years)
Advanced: (two years and above)
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Kids 5-12
Beginner No Gi: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.theWVgames.com
Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 info@theWVgames.com
Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 17th.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 75$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 9/14/17 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is September 14th, 2017.
***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 9/14/17. There will be no registration for youth after this time. However, adults may pre-register or register at the door.
Please let me know if there are any questions,
Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com
304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com
At the Door Registration:
75$ at the event for adult men and women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Time: 6-8PM
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)
Adults 8-10:30a
Location: at the Tournament
***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on
Starting Time and Rules Meeting
Tournament Schedule:
Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM
***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down
Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM
***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions
Saturday Match Schedule
10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin
11:00AM Adult Matches Start
11:30-12 Finish Bracketing
12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin
***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM
Rooms are limited, so make your reservation today:
Call: 855.729.5133
Or Click Here to Make a Reservation
Our Holiday Inn Express Civic Center offers the best value and the most convenience. Most importantly, we have LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION. We are across from the mall and within walking distance of more than 30 restaurants. No need to rent a car, our complimentary shuttle is available 24-hours-a-day for runs to the airport and in the downtown area. During their stay guests will enjoy the following:
Complimentary Express Start hot buffet breakfast featuring our Quickstart Pancake Station along with our world famous Cinnamon Rolls
Complimentary high-speed, wireless Internet
Convenient location, adjacent to the Civic Center and the Town Center Mall
One to two blocks away from over 50 restaurants and pubs.
In room coffeemakers, full size irons and boards, hairdryers, telephones with voicemail and data ports
Flat screen, HD TV and internet access
On site fitness center
Complimentary airport shuttle service including shuttle service in the downtown area
Complimentary, spacious LIGHTED outdoor parking for all overnight hotel guests
The hotel has recommended everyone use their website as they feel it’s the easiest way to book your room. See you soon!
Holiday Inn Express
100 Civic Center Drive
Charleston, WV 25301
For pre-registration, rules, divisions, events, and more
check the links below:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules | No Gi Rules | Experience Levels
Class Act Entertainment DJ Service – 304-415-4038
Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS 4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661
Elk River Chiropractic 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458
Holiday Inn Express – Charleston, WV
Thank you to all of the amazing competitors, helpers, refs, spectators, and everyone in general. You make our sport an amazing thing in WV. We appreciate you all and are thankful for you!
Results will be posted this week, and you can check out some pictures while you are waiting:
Our next tournament will be on 9/16/17 and will be part of the WV Fit Expo at the Charleston Civic Center
Facebook Event Link
At the Door Registration
85$ at the event for adult men and women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register by 8/16/18
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)
Adults 8-10:30a
Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island
***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on
Starting Time and Rules Meeting
Tournament Schedule:
Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM
***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down
Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM
***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions
Saturday Match Schedule
10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin
11:00-11:30AM Finish Bracketing and Adult Matches Start
12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin
***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM
Things to Bring & Other Event Info
This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.
In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed. Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.
Map of Events
The West Virginia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships are set to return this August 19th in Charleston, WV as part of Sportsfest 2017.
***Due to the size of the tournament, we will require all youth competitors (5-17) to be registered by 8/17/17. Adult competitors can register online or at the door.
Stay tuned for more big announcements
All 1st-3rd place finishers will win an official state championship medal and be declared the WV State Grappling Champion of 2017.
The team with the highest amount of team wins (1st-3rd) will receive a custom state championship banner to hang in there gym with the year that their team has won. Previous team winners have been GZFS (2010, 2012, and 2013), Butch Hiles BJJ (2009 and 2011), GZ Huntington 2014, SAS 2015, and Ground Zero Huntington 2016.
Pre-Register now:
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 17th.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 75$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 8/17/17 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is August 17th, 2017.
***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/17/17. There will be no registration for youth after this time. However, adults may pre-register or register at the door
Pre-Registration Link:
Sports Fest 2017
On Saturday, August 19th, 2017 Charleston, West Virginia will, once again, host the official state Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships as part of the “West Virginia Games.” The WV Games is a huge event that takes place on Magic Island, which is located on the Kanawha River in the capital of West Virginia and offers a scenic backdrop to a flurry of athletic competitions and events. This is a family friendly event and we encourage all of our competitors to bring their friends and families so they can enjoy all of the other events and activities during the tournament.
Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling State Championships, the WV Games will also feature several family friendly sporting events from all around the state and country. With the addition of our numerous vendors and activities, we feel that this is an event that everyone should try and make part of their schedule because it is very rare that you can keep the entire family entertained while waiting for your chance to hit the mats.
Sports Fest is a professional volleyball tournament and a professional jet-ski event that will be featured on national television. This will just add to the excitement bring bigger and better things to the event as a whole! For more information on sports fest click: http://www.evptour.com/
As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair for all and offers a ton of matches at a low price. In fact, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of six times, if they compete in their respective divisions in both the gi and no gi tournaments as well as the absolute divisions. Keep an eye out for continued updates.
There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:
Adult Men: 149.9 & Below 150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs. 165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs. 180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs. 195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs. 210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs. 225 lbs. & Above
Adult Women: 135 & Under (Lightweight) 136 & Over (Middleweight)
Weight classes and age brackets for teens and children:
Teens 13-15, 16-17
132 lbs. & Below
132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs.
143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs.
154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs.
167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs.
183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs.
200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs.
220.1 lbs. & Above
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12
53 lbs. & Below
53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs.
62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs.
70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs.
79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs.
88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs.
99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs.
110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs.
121.1 lbs. and Above
Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above
Teen Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White (Usually combined with white), Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple
Children Gi Competitors – White, Grey/White (Usually combined with white), Yellow/White & Yellow, Orange, Green
Adult No Gi Competitors:
*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions
*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division
Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Teens 13-17
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Kids 5-12
***Please note, children and teens often have greatly differing weights and skill levels. Whenever possible, they will be matched appropriately. However, there may be times when they may be asked to go in another age (plus or minus a year) or weight bracket. In these cases, a coach and/or parent will be asked permission first.
Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.theWVgames.com
Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 info@theWVgames.com
Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!
Pre-registration links are below and the deadline is August 17th.
Cost: Only 65$ for adult men, women, teens, and children if you pre-register. Each competitor can compete in as many divisions as they can for the same price. It is 75$ for adult men and women not pre-registered and all youth must be pre-registered by 8/17/17 (no exceptions). The last day to pre-register is August 17th, 2017.
***All youth competitors (5-17) must pre-register before 8/17/17. There will be no registration for youth after this time. However, adults may pre-register or register at the door.
Please let me know if there are any questions,
Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com
304-549-9370 or info@thewvgames.com
At the Door Registration:
75$ at the event for adult men and women. All youth (5-17) must pre-register
Price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: Butch Hiles BJJ – 410 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301
Youth: 8-9:30a (Youth must be weighed in by 9:30a)
Adults 8-10:30a
Location: at the Tournament, Magic Island
***Competitors do NOT have to weigh-in with their gi on
Starting Time and Rules Meeting
Tournament Schedule:
Youth: Kids/teens rules meeting at 9:30 and first match at 10am, so please be weighed in by 9:30AM
***Youth competitors will start in the gi and work from the highest level down
Adults: Adult rules meeting will be at 10:30AM and the first match will be at 11AM
***Gi Divisions will run first and we will run the highest belt levels first in all divisions
Saturday Match Schedule
10:00AM Kids/Teens Matches Begin
11:00AM Adult Matches Start
11:00AM – No Gi Superfight Between Craig Edmondson and Matt Shaffer
11:30-12 Finish Bracketing
12:00PM – Black/Brown/Purple Belt Matches Begin
***These are estimated time and the first matches could be up by 11:45AM
Things to Bring & Other Event Info
This is a fun, family friendly event, with a lot of vendors and other events going on around us. Many families like to bring extra chairs and some bring pop-up tents to lounge under. It’s a great place to grab some food and drinks from our vendors and enjoy some time with your friends and family while you watch some great sporting action. Besides the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there will be professional volleyball, professional jetski, cornhole tournaments, live music, and much more.
In case of rain: The tournament is held under a giant tent that has room for the spectators to also get under, if needed. Definitely come prepared to have a fun time in a unique atmosphere.
Map of Events
After Party
For those looking for something to eat and drink before you head home, meet us at the official after party spot – Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille
The Holiday Inn Express has offered everyone an amazing deal but you must book ASAP because the rooms are filling up fast. You can call or book your reservations online and you will be given a discount by typing in, or telling them, a special code “SPF”
Group Rate: $89.00 plus 13% tax – includes hot-buffet breakfast, ground-level parking, and high-speed Internet
Rooms are limited, so make your reservation today:
Call: 855.729.5133
Or Click Here to Make a Reservation
Our Holiday Inn Express Civic Center offers the best value and the most convenience. Most importantly, we have LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION. We are across from the mall and within walking distance of more than 30 restaurants. No need to rent a car, our complimentary shuttle is available 24-hours-a-day for runs to the airport and in the downtown area. During their stay guests will enjoy the following:
Complimentary Express Start hot buffet breakfast featuring our Quickstart Pancake Station along with our world famous Cinnamon Rolls
Complimentary high-speed, wireless Internet
Convenient location, adjacent to the Civic Center and the Town Center Mall
One to two blocks away from over 50 restaurants and pubs.
In room coffeemakers, full size irons and boards, hairdryers, telephones with voicemail and data ports
Flat screen, HD TV and internet access
On site fitness center
Complimentary airport shuttle service including shuttle service in the downtown area
Complimentary, spacious LIGHTED outdoor parking for all overnight hotel guests
The hotel has recommended everyone use their website as they feel it’s the easiest way to book your room. See you soon!
Holiday Inn Express
100 Civic Center Drive
Charleston, WV 25301
For pre-registration, rules, divisions, events, and more
check the links below:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules | No Gi Rules | Experience Levels
Class Act Entertainment DJ Service – 304-415-4038
Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS 4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661
Elk River Chiropractic 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458
Rick Bowman
Holiday Inn Express – Charleston, WV
The Olympics of grappling are ready to return this June 10, 2017 in Charleston, WV and will feature the best grapplers the state has ever seen.
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017
Time: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am. Doors will open at 7:30am and advanced grappling divisions will start between 1030-11. Kids will start before the advanced and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.
Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children. It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is June 9, 2016)
Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in all No Gi divisions (Click Here), and standard BJJ rules in all gi divisions
Location: WV State University – Flemmin Hall Gym, 5000 Fairlawn Ave, Institute, WV 25112 (Detailed instructions here)
Contact: Butch Hiles Butch@ButchHiles.com www.wvgrapplingopen.com
If you are a fan of high level grappling you do not want to miss this event!
The list of high level competitors is far too great for us to even list, but the ADCC is the Olympics of Grappling for a reason. Pre-register now and save money: https://wvgrapplingopen.com/pre-registration/
Read below for additional information
There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:
Experience levels are the same for kids, junior, adult, and masters
Adult Men Weight Classes Beginner & Intermediate:
***Please note that the advanced adult men will have different weight classes than the other divisions
132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above
Adult Men Advanced Weight Class (Professional)
145.2 & Below 145.3 lbs. to 169.5 lbs. 169.6 lbs. to 193.7 lbs. 193.8 lbs. to 218 lbs. 218.1 lbs. and above
Adult Men Masters Beginner – Advanced (30yrs and above)
132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. and above
Adult Women Beginner – Intermediate: 114.4 lbs. & Under 114.5 lbs. – 128 lbs. 128.1 lbs. & Over
Adult Women Advanced (Professional): 132.2 lbs. & Under 132.3 & Over
Age Brackets for Kids: Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12
Weight Classes for Kids (weight classes may be combined if needed):
53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and above
Age Brackets for Juniors (Juniors can compete in adult class but must pay the adult fee): 13-15, 16-17
Weight Classes for Juniors
132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above
Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, Purple, Brown & Black (Purple-Black will be kept separate whenever possible)
Masters Division (Ages 30 yrs & above)
Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories
Teens 13-15 and 16-17: White/Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts, Blue/Purple Belts
*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance
Kids 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12: White Belts, Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts
*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance
Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.wvgrapplingopen.com
Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 Butch@ButchHiles.com
Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules
Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com
304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com
Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children. It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is June 9, 2016)
At the Door Registration:
85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)
Athletes can weigh-in Friday OR Saturday.
Friday weigh-ins will be from 6-8P and will be located at:
Butch Hiles BJJ
410 Summers St
Charleston, WV 25301
Saturday weigh-ins will be at the event location (WV State University) from 8-10AM
Detailed info to find the event and for parking can be found here:
Tournament Schedule:
Saturday: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Doors will open at 7:30am.
Saturday Match Schedule
Kids will start at 10am (roughly). Advanced/Professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11
The ADCC gi divisions will go first and we will work our way down from the highest belt. The no-gi competition will follow a similar format and will go from advanced to beginner
Athletes looking for a hotel to stay in should choose one of these great options: The Charleston Capitol Hotel (just $62) and/or The Motel 6 Charleston Civic Center (Just $55). They should provide you with the lowest rates around and are just a short drive to the event.
Please just mention that you are with the tournament.
Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS
4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661
Elk River Chiropractic 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458
Class: NO GI ABSOLUTE WEIGHT: 170 AND BELOW 1st: Matt Shaffer 2nd:Luke Lago 3rd: Gabe Guevera Class: NO GI ABSOLUTE Weight: 170 and above 1st: Cody Miskell 2nd: Jason Cable 3rd: Chase long Class: Kids Gi 5-7 WHITE Weight: 53.1-62 1st:Jackson Fields 2nd: Levi stice Class: KIDS GI GREY/WHITE Weight: 62-70 1stZack Shawvers 2nd Ela Kirksey 3rd Zoe Kirksey Class: Kids GI 5-7 Grey Weight:62.1-70 1st: Zack Shawver 2nd: Brody Vance 3rd: Wyatt Jordan Class: Kids GI White 8-10 Weight: 53.1-62 1st: Ariana Hale 2nd: Ben Morell Class: Kids GI 8-10 White Girls Weight: 79.1-88 1st: Kate Wallace 2nd: Brooklyn Price 3rd: Adison Milam Class: Kids GI WHITE 8-10 Weight: 79.1-88 1st: Jodan Eads 2nd: Lincoln Daetuyler Class:KIDS GI WHITE 8-10 Weight: 99.1-110 1st Jake Kimble 2nd: Austin Bumgardener 3rd Logan French Class:Kids GI WHITE/GREY 8-10 Weight: 53 and Below 1st Isaiah Gomez x2 2nd Zack Shawver Class:KIDS GI GREY 8-10 Weight:62.1-70 1st Brody Vance 2nd: Luke Hedrick Class:KIDS GI GREY 8-10 Weight70.1-79 1st Brian Wheeler 2nd Ayden Hill 3rd Kasper Eads Class:KIDS GI YELLOW 8-10 Weight: 88.1-99 1st Taven Willams 2nd Ayden Arthur Class: KIDS GREY GI 11-12 Weight: 79.1-88 1st Gage Hendrick 2nd AJ La Neve 3rd Abi Long Class: KIDS GI YELLOW 11-12 Weight: 70.1-79 1stTaven Williams 2nd Abi Long Class: Kids GI GREY 11-12 Weight: 121.1 And Above 1st Sam Tiano 2nd Levi Bender Class:KIDS GI YELLOW 11-12 Weight: 121.1 and Above 1st Zach Perkins 2nd Jude price Class:TEEN GI YELLOW 13-15 Weight: 132 and Below 1st Mirana Allen 2nd Jacob Tolley Class: TEEN GI GREY/WHITE Weight:132.1-143 1st Shyla MArtini 2nd Amelia Bender 3rd Tyler Kepple Class:TEEN GI WHITE BELT 16-17 Weight: 154.1-167 1st Kieth Percora 2nd Jacob Catron Class: TEEN GI WHITE 16-17 Weight: 183.1-200 1stBrandon Plaugher 2nd Jacob Catron Class: TEEN NO GI BEGINNER 13-15 Weight: 132.1-143 1st Amelia Bender 2nd Shyla Martini 3rd Tyler Kepple Class:TEEN NO GI INTERMEDIATE 16-17 Weight: 154.1-167 1st Robbie Ring 2nd Keith Pecora Class: TEEN NO GI 16-17 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 132.1-143 1st Devin Willoughy 2nd Jacob Catron 3rd Maranda Allen Class: KIDS NO GI INTERMEDIATE 53 AND BELOW 1st Zack Shawver 2nd Jackson Fields 3rd Levi Stire Class: KIDS NO GI INTERMEDIATE 5-7 Weight: 62.1-70 1st Brody vance 2nd Ela Kirksey 3rd Zoe Kirksey Class: KIDS NO GI BEGINNER 8-10 Weight: 53.1-62 1st Jackson Fields Class: KIDS NO GI BEGINNER 8-10 Weight:79.1-88 1st Jordan Ead 2nd Brooklyn Price 3rd Lincoln Dsetwyler Class: KIDS NO GI 8-10 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 70.1-79 1st Ayden Hill 2nd Noah Green 3rd: Hendrick Luke Class: KIDS NO GI 8-10 ADVANCED Weight: 70.1-79 1st Ayden Hill 2nd Kasper Eads Class: KIDS NO GI 11-12 INTERMEDIATE Weight: 121.1 and Above 1st Sam Tiano 2nd Zach Perkins 3rd Levi Bender Class: Kids No GI 11-12 ADVANCED Weightt: 79-88 1st Taven Williams 2nd Gage Hendrick 3rd Jude Price Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT 135 AND BELOW Weight: 135 and below 1st Kristi Thompson 2nd Lauren Braggs Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT 136 AND UP Weight: 136 and up 1st Jessica Wallace 2nd Maranda Allen Class: WOMENS WHITE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st: Jessica Wallace 2nd Maranda Allen 3rd Lauren Bragg Class: WOMENS BLUE GI Weight: 135 1st Ray Harl 2nd Kaida Awen Class: WOMEN NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight: 135 and below 1st Kaida Awen 2nd Carlie Holstein Class: WOMENS NO GI Weight: 136 and up 1st Ray Harl 2nd Jessica Wallace 3rd MAranda Allen Class: MENS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 150-164.1 1st Jacob Catron 2nd Julian Swann 3rd Adrian Mullins Class MENS GI WHITE Weight: 165-179.9 1st Garrett Wireman 2nd Jessie Hackney 3rd Zachariah Freeman Class: MENS GI WHITE Weight: 180-194.9 1st Brandon Beacon 2nd Brandon Plaugher 3rd Travis Roberts Class: MENS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 195-209.9 1st Chase Long 2nd Joseph Hunter 3rd Doug May Class: MENS GI WHITE Weight:225 AND UP 1ST Brandon Hickman 2ND Nick Bailey 3rd Brian Ramen Class Men's white belt absolute 1St Garret Workman 2ND Zachariah Freeman Class: MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 165-179.9 1ST Robby Ring 2ND Luke Lagu 3rd Josh Dempsey Class : MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 180-194.9 1St Levi Plaugher 2ND John Shelhammer Class: MENS BLUE BELT Weight: 195-209.9 1St Wes Thompson 2 d Johnathan Neece 3rD Logan Cook Class :MENS GI BLUE BELT Weight: 210-224.9 1St Michael Keeble 2ND Jason Starcher Class: MENS BLUE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st Logan Allen 2ND Wes Thompson 3rd Logan cook Class: MENS GI PURPLE BELT Weight:149.9 and below 1St Bobby Bailey 2ND Miles Williams Class: MENS GI PURPLE BELT Weight: 150-164.9 1St Gabe Guevara 2ND Brandon Roark Class: MENS PURPLE GI Weight: 180-194.9 1St Anthony Patrella 2ND Don Quinn 3rd Devon Bailey Class: MENS PURPLE GI Weight: 225 nd up 1st Zack wills 2nd Jason Cable Class: MENS PURPLE BELT ABSOLUTE 1st Don Quinn 2nd Gabe Guevara 3rd Bobby Bailey Class: MENS BROWN GI Weight: 165-179.9 1st Joshua Cale 2nd Mathew Shaffer Class: MASTERRS GI WHITE BELT Weight: 180-194.9 1st Joseph Hunter 2nd Brandon Beacon Class: MASTERS ABSOLUTE BLUE BELT 1st Wes Thompson 2nd Jon Neece Class:MENS NO GI BEGINNER Weight: 165-179.9 1st Zachariah Freeman 2nd Jessie Hackney Class:MENS NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight:150-164 1st Robbie Ring 2nd Adam Kolberg 3rd Jacob Catron Class: MENS NO GI INTERMEDIATE Weight: 195-209.9 1st Garret Wireman 2nd Brandon Hickman 3rd Logan Cook Class: MENS NO GI BEGINNER ABSOLUTE 1st Adam Kolberg 2nd Brandon Hickman 3rd Jacob Catron Class: MENS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 149 and below 1st Bobby Bailey 2nd Miles Williams Class:MENS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 165-179.9 1st Joshua Cole 2nd Devon Bailey Class: MASTERS NO GI ADVANCED Weight: 180-194 1st Anthony Patrella 2nd Don Quinn