Tag Archives: abu dhabi


Official ADCC North American Trials

Open to Professionals and Amateurs

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


The Official North American Trials for the professionals


About The ADCC

Abu Dhabi Combat Club has been in existence since 1998 and is considered the Olympics of Submission Grappling. Competitors representing 48 countries and covering five continents compete all over the world in hopes of making it to the ADCC World Championship, which takes place biannually.

The World Championships have been held in Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Spain, England, China, and more.  Do not miss your chance to qualify for the worlds!

See past winners and places for the world champiosnhips here

This Tournament is Open to Pros and Amateurs and Will Have Gi & No Gi


Professional Trial Information

This is the ONLY East Coast Qualifier and the ONLY qualifier this year

How do you compete in the Trials and what is considered a professional?

The Trials are only no-gi.  Technically, if you compete in the advanced division at any no gi tournament that is considered the professional division.  So if you want to challenge yourself, step-up to the advanced/professional division and see if you can qualify for the world championship by winning your division.

All winners automatically qualify for the world championships in your division and you will represent North America.  Therefore, you must have a valid passport when you compete or you cannot enter the trials (this does not include amateurs).

Professionals are also welcome to stay and compete in their respective gi divisions for free

What are the weight classes and rules for the professional trials

Professional Trials are No Gi Only

Adult Men Advanced Weight Class (Professional)

145.2 & Below 145.3 lbs. to 169.5 lbs. 169.6 lbs. to 193.7 lbs. 193.8 lbs. to 218 lbs. 218.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Advanced (Professional)

***Adult women will NOT qualify at this tournament.  They still want to see you compete but this is not the automatic bid for professional females, just males

132.2 lbs. & Under 132.3 & Over

Date: 12/13/14 (Pro only) 12/14/14 (amateur only)

Cost: Professional: $100 if you pre-register and $125 if you don’t (pre-registration ends 12/12/14)
Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

Pre-Register Now and Receive a Limited Edition FREE T-Shirt

The limited edition shirts will not last long, so register now to receive yours!

photo (1)


ADCC Gi & No Gi (For Professional Grappers)

All professional grapplers will compete on 12/13/14.  This is the ADULT ADVANCED divisions AND Brown and Black Belts. There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions for both gi and no gi for the amateurs on 12/14/14

  • Date: Pro: 12/13/14 Amateur: 12/14/14

  • Time: Amateur: Adult ADCC Qualifier Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.  The no-gi Qualifiers will start and will be followed by the brown and black belt divisions.

  • Cost: Professional: $100 if you pre-register and $125 if you don’t (pre-registration ends 12/12/14)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

  • Location: Nitro High School, 1300 Park Ave, Nitro, WV 25143

Amateur No Gi Information

Please click this link to see all of the amateur tournament info:


Official ADCC Rules

Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount and a FREE t-shirt!!!


Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com

At the Door Registration:

Amateur: 85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)

Professional: $125 at the door



Saturday from 8am – 10:30am.  Pro division should expect to hit the mat by 11am, so come early!


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Saturday:  ADCC Qualifiers start at 11am, followed by the brown and black belt divisions

After Party



Hotel Info

The ADCC will be receiving the amazing rate of just $69/night.

In order to receive this discounted rate you must call and say you are with the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament and state the code cgbjj

Best Western Charleston Plaza Hotel

1010 Washington St E

Charleston, WV 25301

P: 304-345-9779



Intimidation Fight Wear

Gutter Pro WV

Everest College

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS

4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Kona Ice of Charleston, WV

Charleston CVB

Category: subcat


Official ADCC North American Trials

Open to Professionals and Amateurs

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


The Official North American Trials for the professionals


About The ADCC

Abu Dhabi Combat Club has been in existence since 1998 and is considered the Olympics of Submission Grappling. Competitors representing 48 countries and covering five continents compete all over the world in hopes of making it to the ADCC World Championship, which takes place biannually.

The World Championships have been held in Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Spain, England, China, and more.  Do not miss your chance to qualify for the worlds!

See past winners and places for the world champiosnhips here

This Tournament is Open to Pros and Amateurs and Will Have Gi & No Gi


Pre-Register Now and Receive a FREE Limited Edition T-Shirt

There is only a limited amount of these exclusive shirts going out.  Don’t miss your chance to get one.  Pre-register now!

photo (1)


ADCC Gi & No Gi (For Regular/Amateur Grappers)

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions for both gi and no gi

What is the difference between professional and amateur?

If you would compete in the ADVANCED ADULT division, you would be considered professional.

The entire amateur tournament will be on 12/14/14.  This includes: White Belt-Purple Belt (Brown/Black Belts will be on 12/13/14) and beginner-intermediate adult men and women.  All kids, teens, and masters will be on 12/14/14 as well

  • Date: Amateur: 12/14/14

  • Time: Amateur: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Amateur: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is December 12th, 2014)

  • Cost: Professional: $100 if you pre-register and $125 if you don’t (pre-registration ends 12/12/14)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

  • Location: Nitro High School, 1300 Park Ave, Nitro, WV 25143

Amateur No Gi Information

Experience levels are the same for kids, junior, adult, and masters

  • Beginner: Less than 2 years experience in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Intermediate: Less than 3 years experience, Max blue belt in BJJ, No medals in Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Advanced: Anyone who is over the intermediate requirements should compete in the professional division held on 12/13/14

Adult Men Weight Classes Beginner & Intermediate:

***Please note that the advanced/professional adult men will have different weight classes than the other divisions

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Masters Beginner – Advanced (30yrs and above)

132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Beginner – Intermediate: 114.4 lbs. & Under 114.5 lbs. – 128 lbs. 128.1 lbs. & Over

Age Brackets for Kids: Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12

Weight Classes for Kids (weight classes may be combined if needed):

53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and above

Age Brackets for Juniors (Juniors can compete in adult class but must pay the adult fee): 13-15, 16-17

Weight Classes for Juniors

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, Purple, Brown & Black (Brown and Black Belt competitors will compete on 12/13/14)

Masters Division (Ages 30 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-15 and 16-17: White/Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts, Blue/Purple Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12: White Belts, Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.wvgrapplingopen.com

Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 Butch@ButchHiles.com

Professional/Qualifier Information

To learn about the professional tournament, please follow this link:


Official ADCC Rules

Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!


Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com

At the Door Registration:

Amateur: 85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)

Professional: $125 at the door



Saturday OR Sunday from 8am – 10am, Kids MUST be there by 9.  Pro division should expect to hit the mat by 1030-11am


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Sunday 12/14/14: Amateur: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.  All kids, teens, masters, and adult men and women who are not advanced will compete on 12/14/14

After Party



Hotel Info

The ADCC will be receiving the amazing rate of just $69/night.

In order to receive this discounted rate you must call and say you are with the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament and state the code cgbjj

Best Western Charleston Plaza Hotel

1010 Washington St E

Charleston, WV 25301

P: 304-345-9779



Intimidation Fight Wear

Gutter Pro WV

Everest College

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS

4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Kona Ice of Charleston, WV

Charleston CVB

Category: subcat


Official ADCC North American Trials

Open to Professionals and Amateurs

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


The Official North American Trials for the professionals


About The ADCC

Abu Dhabi Combat Club has been in existence since 1998 and is considered the Olympics of Submission Grappling. Competitors representing 48 countries and covering five continents compete all over the world in hopes of making it to the ADCC World Championship, which takes place biannually.

The World Championships have been held in Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Spain, England, China, and more.  Do not miss your chance to qualify for the worlds!

See past winners and places for the world champiosnhips here

This Tournament is Open to Pros and Amateurs and Will Have Gi & No Gi


Professional Trial Information

All professional grapplers will compete on 12/13/14.  This is the ADULT ADVANCED divisions AND Brown and Black Belts. There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions for both gi and no gi for the amateurs on 12/14/14

Follow this link to view the professional/Qualifier website:


How do you compete in the Trials and what is considered a professional?

The Trials are only no-gi.  Technically, if you compete in the advanced division at any no gi tournament that is considered the professional division.  So if you want to challenge yourself, step-up to the advanced/professional division and see if you can qualify for the world championship by winning your division.

All winners automatically qualify for the world championships in your division and you will represent North America.  Therefore, you must have a valid passport when you compete or you cannot enter the trials (this does not include amateurs).

Professionals are also welcome to stay and compete in their respective gi divisions for free

What are the weight classes and rules for the professional trials

Professional Trials are No Gi Only

Adult Men Advanced Weight Class (Professional)

145.2 & Below 145.3 lbs. to 169.5 lbs. 169.6 lbs. to 193.7 lbs. 193.8 lbs. to 218 lbs. 218.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Advanced (Professional)

***Adult women will NOT qualify at this tournament.  They still want to see you compete but this is not the automatic bid for professional females, just males

132.2 lbs. & Under 132.3 & Over

Date: 12/13/14 (Pro only) 12/14/14 (amateur only)

Cost: Professional: $100 if you pre-register and $125 if you don’t (pre-registration ends 12/12/14)
Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

Pre-Register Now and Receive a Limited Edition FREE T-Shirt

These shirts will go fast, so don’t miss your chance to get one of these limited edition shirts!

photo (1)


Amateurs please read below

ADCC Gi & No Gi (For Regular/Amateur Grappers)

Follow this link to view the Amateur Information only:


There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions for both gi and no gi

  • Date: Pro: 12/13/14 Amateur: 12/14/14

  • Time: Amateur: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.  Kids will start before the pros and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Amateur: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is December 12th, 2014)

  • Cost: Professional: $100 if you pre-register and $125 if you don’t (pre-registration ends 12/12/14)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

  • Location: Nitro High School, 1300 Park Ave, Nitro, WV 25143

Amateur No Gi Information

Experience levels are the same for kids, junior, adult, and masters

  • Beginner: Less than 2 years experience in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Intermediate: Less than 3 years experience, Max blue belt in BJJ, No medals in Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Advanced: Anyone who is over the intermediate requirements should compete in the professional division

Adult Men Weight Classes Beginner & Intermediate:

***Please note that the advanced/professional adult men will have different weight classes than the other divisions

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Masters Beginner – Advanced (30yrs and above)

132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Beginner – Intermediate: 114.4 lbs. & Under 114.5 lbs. – 128 lbs. 128.1 lbs. & Over

Age Brackets for Kids: Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12

Weight Classes for Kids (weight classes may be combined if needed):

53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and above

Age Brackets for Juniors (Juniors can compete in adult class but must pay the adult fee): 13-15, 16-17

Weight Classes for Juniors

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, Purple, Brown & Black (Purple-Black will be kept separate whenever possible)

Masters Division (Ages 30 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-15 and 16-17: White/Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts, Blue/Purple Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12: White Belts, Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.wvgrapplingopen.com

Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 Butch@ButchHiles.com

Official ADCC Rules

Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!


Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com

At the Door Registration:

Amateur: 85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)

Professional: $125 at the door



Saturday OR Sunday from 8am 10am- Kids MUST be there by 9.


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Saturday:  Professional and Brown and Black Belts.  Professional Qualifier Tournament will start at 11am

Sunday 12/14/14: Amateur: Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.  All kids, teens, masters, and adult men and women who are not advanced will compete on 12/14/14

After Party



Hotel Info

The ADCC will be receiving the amazing rate of just $69/night.

In order to receive this discounted rate you must call and say you are with the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament and state the code cgbjj

Best Western Charleston Plaza Hotel

1010 Washington St E

Charleston, WV 25301

P: 304-345-9779



Intimidation Fight Wear

Gutter Pro WV

Everest College

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS

4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Kona Ice of Charleston, WV

Charleston CVB

Category: Uncategorized

WVGO Submission Only 10/11/14 Results


We want to thank all of the great competitors and teams who made this event and amazing success.  As always, this event is not possible with all of you great people.

Next tournament is 12/6/14 in Charleston, WV (ADCC)!

Super Fights

No Gi Advanced

1. Peyton Lambert

2. Bobby Bailey

Purple Showcase

1. Logan Griffen

2. Jim Tinney

No Gi Divisions

Mens No Gi Beginner

149 and Under

1. Clark Kendall

2. Zach Wilmoth

210 and Above

1. Kody Paynter (Hiles BJJ)

2. Steve Perkins

3. Harvey Addison (Advantage)


1. Kody Paynter (Hiles BJJ)

2. Harvey Addison (Advantage)

Mens No Gi Intermediate

149 and Under

1. Jeremy Roberts (Absolute)

2. Cory Simpson (absolute)

3. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ)


1. Nicholas Parks (Hiles BJJ)

2. Taylor Griffen (Absolute)

Mens No Gi Advanced

1. Peyton Lambert (Absolute)

2. Taylor Griffen (Absolute)

3. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ)

Women’s No Gi

1. Amanda Morgan (Hiles BJJ)

2. Arieana Green (Hiles BJJ)

Gi Divisions

Adult Men Gi Divisions

White Belt

149 and Under

1. Cory Simpson (Absolute)

2. Clark Kendall (Victory)

3. Zach Wilmoth (Victory)


1. Nicholas Parks (Hiles BJJ)

2. Ryo Akita (Hiles BJJ)

210 and Above

1. Joe Glenn (Hiles BJJ)

2. Kody Paynter (Hiles BJJ)

3. Steve Perkins

White Belt Absolute

1. Kody Paynter (Hiles BJJ)

2. Cory Simpson (Absolute)

3. Joe Glenn (Hiles BJJ)

Adult Men Blue Belt

149 and Under

1. Jeremy Roberts (Absolute)

2. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ)

165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.

1. Taylor Griffen (Absolute)

2. Brandon Roark (Hiles BJJ)

Adult Women Blue Belt

1. Arieana Green (Hiles BJJ)

2. Amanda Morgan (Hiles BJJ)

Adult Men Purple Belt


1. Peyton Lambert (Absolute)

2. Jeremy Roberts (Absolute)

3. Matt Garretson (Hiles BJJ)

Category: Uncategorized


WVGO 6/7/14 Results

First, I want to thank all of the great competitors and teams who made this event and amazing success.  As always, this event is not possible with all of you great people.

Next tournament is 8/16/14 in Charleston, WV (State Championship)!

No Gi Divisions

Kids 8-10 

1. Jayah Corley (Moundsville/ Hiles BJJ)

2. Bailey Lemasters

3. Maverick

Kids 10-12

1. Jacob Smithson (Buckhannon BJJ)

2. Jacob Rannenberg (GZFS)

3. Caden Reyes (GZFS)

Mens No Gi Beginner


1. Chance Tolley (Hiles BJJ)

2. Matthew Haid (Gurgel)

3. Jason MIller (Gurgel)


1. Nathan Tuston (Moundsville/ HIles BJJ))

2. Keelen Hinton (Gurgel)


190 and Above

1. Kyle Holcomb (Junquiera)

2. Josh Armstead (Dawghouse)

Mens No Gi Intermediate


1. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)

2. Aaron Kinser (Dawghouse)

3. Michael Mobley (Hiles BJJ)

Mens No Gi Advanced

1. Cody Sole (Diego)

2. Jim Tinney (Hiles BJJ)

3. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)

Mens No Gi Beginner MASTERS

195 and Above

1. Michael Talbot (Ribiero)

2. Charlie See (Gurgel)

Gi Divisions

Kids Gi 6-8

1. Caden Reyes

2. Jayah Corley (Moundsville/Hiles BJJ)

Kids 10-12 79.1 and Above

1. Jacob Smithson (Buckhannon BJJ)

2. Jacred Probst (Buckhannon BJJ)

3. Jacon Rannenberg (GZFS)

Adult Men Gi Divisions

White Belt


1. Chance Tolley (Hiles BJJ)

2. Matthew Haid (Gurgel)

3. Jason Miller (Gurgel)


1. Jonathan Rowh (GZFS)

2. Keelon Hinton (Gurgel)


1. Kyle Holcomb (Junquiera)

2. Charlie See (Gurgel)

MASTERS White Belt


1. Michael Talbott (Saulo)

2. Charlie See (Gurgel)

Adult Men Blue Belt


149 and Under


1. Chad Rector


2. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ)

165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.

1. Kevin McLachlan (Junquiera)

2. Michael Mobley (Hiles BJJ)

180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.

1. Jeff Breeden (Saulo)

2. Cody Sole (Diego)


1. Kevin McLachlan (Junquiera)

2. Chad Rector (Gurgel)

Adult Men Purple Belt


1. Jim Tinney (Hiles BJJ)

2. Ron Jacobs (Hiles BJJ)

Category: Uncategorized

 Gi & No Gi Double Elimination Tournament June 7, 2014



Divisions for Men, Women, Kids, Teens, and Masters

Once again, our annual June Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi and No Gi Tournament returns to Hoover High School in Clendenin, WV (near Charleston, WV). This tournament features competitors from all around the surrounding states and is packed with high level competition!

Date: Saturday, June 7, 2014
Time: Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Cost: Only $50 for those who preregister ($65 at the door) and you can compete in as many divisions as you want (Preregistration’s must be in our hands no later than 6/5/2014 and the forms will be at the bottom of this page).

$40 for children ($50 at the door)

Format: Gi and No Gi DOUBLE ELIMINATION tournament. Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions

Location: Herbert Hoover High School, Clendenin, WV

A Grappling Tournament for Everyone

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above).  The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Weight Classes for Men Gi & No Gi

Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above

***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class.  In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible

Weight Classes for Women Gi & No Gi

Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes for teens will be divided at the tournament but the age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, Teens 13-15, 16-17

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-17

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-12

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!

$50 for any adult competitor (this includes teens wishing to compete in the adult division)


$40 for women and children




Weigh-ins to be held Friday 6pm-8pm at Hoover High School, unless special arrangements are made) and Saturday 8:30am-10:30am

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles


Category: Uncategorized

 Gi & No Gi Submission Only Tournament May 3, 2014 in Bluefield, Virginia


  Divisions for Men, Women, Kids, Teens, and Masters

Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014

Time: Tournament 11am (Cash tournament starts), Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Cost: Only $50 for those who preregister ($60 at the door) and you can compete in as many divisions as you want (Preregistration’s must be in our hands no later than 4/18/2013 and the forms will be at the bottom of this page).

$40 for children ($50 at the door)

Format: Gi and No Gi SUBMISSION ONLY.  Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions
Location: Graham High School in Bluefield, VA

A Grappling Tournament for Everyone

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above).  The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Weight Classes for Men Gi & No Gi

Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above

***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class.  In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible

Weight Classes for Women Gi & No Gi

Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes for teens will be divided at the tournament but the age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12, Teens 13-15, 16-17

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-17

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 6-12

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance


Weigh-ins to be held Friday (5pm-10pm, unless special arrangements are made) and Saturday 9am-11am

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles


Pre-Registration (Must be done by 5/1/14)

$50.00 pre-registration for all adult competitors ($60 at the door)

$40.00 for children ($50 at the door) – $50 pre-registartion if they are doing adult division as well

Category: Uncategorized

 Gi & No Gi Double Elimination Tournament March 22, 2014



  $700 in Cash Prizes!!!

$700 in Cash Prizes & Divisions for Men, Women, Kids, Teens, and Masters

Once again, our annual March Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi and No Gi Tournament returns to Hoover High School in Clendenin, WV (near Charleston, WV). This tournament features competitors from all around the surrounding states and is packed with high level competition!

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014
Time: Tournament 11am (Cash tournament starts), Referee Meeting at 10am, Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.
Cost: Only $50 for those who preregister ($65 at the door) and you can compete in as many divisions as you want (Preregistration’s must be in our hands no later than 3/20/2014 and the forms will be at the bottom of this page).

$40 for children ($50 at the door)

$65 for those who are competing for the cash prizes but they may also compete in any other division at no extra charge

Format: Gi and No Gi DOUBLE ELIMINATION tournament with Cash Prizes for special absolute divisions.  Also includes Men, Women, kids, Teens, and masters divisions
Location: Herbert Hoover High School, Clendenin, WV

Cash Prizes for the winner of our No Gi Advanced Divisions!!!

Featuring two Absolute No Gi Divisions with a $350 cash prize for the winner of each division.  These special divisions will be single elimination and the weight classes will be as follows:

170 lbs. and under and 171 lbs. and up

A Grappling Tournament for Everyone

As always, we want all of our competitors to have as much fun as possible, so we offer a well organized tournament that is fair and offers a ton of matches at a low price. Because there is no additional cost and it is double elimination, each competitor has the chance to compete a minimum of 6 times if they did all divisions in the gi and no gi tournaments (regular divisions and absolute divisions).

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, men’s (18-30), and masters divisions (31 and above).  The weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

Weight Classes for Men Gi & No Gi

Adult Men (Masters class uses the same weight categories):
149.9 & Below
150 lbs. to 164.9 lbs.
165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.
180 lbs. to 194.9 lbs.
195 lbs. to 209.9 lbs.
210 lbs. to 224.9 lbs.
225 lbs. & Above

***Many times there are not enough purple belt and above competitors to fill every weight class.  In that case, we will make the weight classes as even as possible

Weight Classes for Women Gi & No Gi

Adult Women:
135 & Under (Lightweight)
136 & Over (Middleweight)

Weight classes for teens will be divided at the tournament but the age brackets will be divided as follows:
Kids 6-8, 9-11, Teens 12-14, 15-17

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, & Purple & Above

Adult No Gi Competitors:

  • Beginner: (Less than a year experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (1-3 years exp.)
  • Advanced: (3 years +)

*** Those who compete in the Blue Belt Gi Division must compete in the Intermediate or Advanced No-Gi Divisions

*** Those who compete in the Purple Belt & Above Gi Division must compete in the Advanced No-Gi Division

Masters Division (Ages 31 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 12-17

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 6-11

  • Beginner Gi & No Gi: (Less than a 6 months experience. No wrestling experience at any level of competition in the beginner division. The beginner class is for true beginners only)
  • Intermediate: (6 months – one year)
  • Advanced: (one year and above)

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!

$50 for any adult competitor (this includes teens wishing to compete in the adult division)


$40 for women and children




Weigh-ins to be held Friday (7:30pm-9:30pm at Hoover High School, unless special arrangements are made) and Saturday 8:30am-10:30am

Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles


Category: Uncategorized

ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals


 (Brought to you by the WVGO)

Featuring Adult, Masters, & Children’s Gi & No Gi Divisions


ADCC Gi & No Gi US Nationals

The Olympics of grappling are set to debut this December 7th, 2013 in Charleston, WV and will feature the best grapplers the state has ever seen.

  • Date: Saturday, December 7th, 2013

  • Time:Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.  Doors will open at 8am and professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.  Kids will start before the pros and we will work from the most advanced divisions on down.

  • Cost: Only 65$ if you pre-register and you can compete in as many divisions as you want, and only 55$ for women and children.  It is 85$ for those not pre-registered and 70$ for women and children (the final date to pre-register is December 5th, 2013)

  • Format: Official ADCC rules and scoring in both Gi and No Gi divisions, and Absolute divisions in each skill level (Click Here)

  • Location: John Adams Middle School (2002 Presidential Dr  Charleston, WV 25314)
  • Contact: Butch Hiles Butch@ButchHiles.com www.wvgrapplingopen.com

ADCC Professional Super-fight


Tournament Information

There will be children’s, teens, women’s, masters, and men’s divisions and the weight classes for both gi and no gi will be as follows:

No Gi Information

Experience levels are the same for kids, junior, adult, and masters

  • Beginner: Less than 2 years experience in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Intermediate: Less than 3 years experience, Max blue belt in BJJ, No medals in Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, etc
  • Advanced: 3 years + experience

Adult Men Weight Classes Beginner & Intermediate:

***Please note that the advanced adult men will have different weight classes than the other divisions

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Advanced Weight Class (Professional)

145.2 & Below 145.3 lbs. to 169.5 lbs. 169.6 lbs. to 193.7 lbs. 193.8 lbs. to 218 lbs. 218.1 lbs. and above

Adult Men Masters Beginner – Advanced (30yrs and above)

132 lbs. & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs. 220.1 lbs. and above

Adult Women Beginner – Intermediate: 114.4 lbs. & Under 114.5 lbs. – 128 lbs. 128.1 lbs. & Over

Adult Women Advanced (Professional): 132.2 lbs. & Under 132.3 & Over

Age Brackets for Kids: Kids 5-7, 8-10, 11-12

Weight Classes for Kids (weight classes may be combined if needed):

53 lbs. & Below 53.1 lbs. to 62 lbs. 62.1 lbs. to 70 lbs. 70.1 lbs. to 79 lbs. 79.1 lbs. to 88 lbs. 88.1 lbs. to 99 lbs. 99.1 lbs. to 110 lbs. 110.1 lbs. to 121 lbs. 121.1 lbs. and above

Age Brackets for Juniors (Juniors can compete in adult class but must pay the adult fee): 13-15, 16-17

Weight Classes for Juniors

132 & Below 132.1 lbs. to 143 lbs. 143.1 lbs. to 154 lbs. 154.1 lbs. to 167 lbs. 167.1 lbs. to 183 lbs. 183.1 lbs. to 200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. to 220 lbs 220.1 lbs. and above

Experience Levels For Gi & No Gi

Adult Gi Competitors – White, Blue, Purple, Brown & Black (Purple-Black will be kept separate whenever possible)

Masters Division (Ages 30 yrs & above)

Masters Divisions follow all the same experience levels as the other adult categories

Teens 13-15 and 16-17: White/Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts, Blue/Purple Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Kids 5-7, 8-10, and 11-12: White Belts, Yellow Belts, Orange/Green Belts

*** Weight classes and experience levels may need to be combined according to attendance

Further information about the entire event can also be found on www.wvgrapplingopen.com

Please contact the event coordinator for additional details and/or questions: Butch Hiles 304-549-9370 Butch@ButchHiles.com

Official ADCC Rules

Click Here for Professional & Amatuer Rules

Pre-registration Links

Don’t forget to pre-register for an additional discount!!!

$65 for any adult competitor (this includes teens wishing to compete in the adult division)

  $55 for women and children


Please let me know if there are any questions,

Butch Hiles www.wvgrapplingopen.com

304-549-9370, Butch@ButchHiles.com

At the Door Registration:

85$ at the event, 70$ for women and children under 12 – price includes all events (gi and no gi)



Friday 6-8pm

***Special arrangements can be made for those driving far distances, etc. If you have any questions, please contact Butch Hiles

Friday (6-8pm) Weigh-ins at:
Butch Hiles Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & MMA, LLC
410 Summers Street
Charleston, WV

Saturday from 8am – Kids MUST be there by 9.  Pro division should expect to hit the mat by 1030-11am


Starting Time and Rules Meeting

Tournament Schedule:

Saturday:  Kids Tournament 10am, Kids Rules Meeting 9:30am, Adult Tournament 11am, Referee Meeting at 9:30am, Adult Competitor Rules meeting at 10:30am.

Doors will open at 8am.

Saturday Match Schedule

Kids will start at 10am. Professional grappling divisions will start between 1030-11.

After Party



Hotel Info


Fairfield Inn by Marriott

1000 Washington Street East

Charleston, WV 25301


***To get the discount, give them code “BHB” when you call***



Intimidation Fight Wear

Creative Home Solutions

Gutter Pro WV

Everest College

The Tinney Law Firm, PLLC

 Elk Family Dentistry – Joey Adkins DDS

4968 Elk River Road South, Elkview, WV 25071 (304) 965-6661

Elk River Chiropractic‎ 4710 Chimney Drive, Big Chimney, WV 25302-4841 (304) 965-2458

Kona Ice of Charleston, WV

Charleston CVB


Category: Uncategorized

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“Excellent event ! Thank you Carlos, Butch Hiles and Peter of the ADCC”

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2011 Butch Hiles BJJ
2012 GZFS
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2014 Ground Zero Huntington
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2018 GZFS
2019 Team SAS
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2024 NEW Single Team Champion – GZ Huntington

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