Valentine Bash
February 11, 2006
Skateland of Campbell’s Creek:
421 Campbell’s Creek Dr
Charleston, WV 25306-6807
Team Results
1- Gurgel (35 points)
1- Advanced BKJ (35 points)
2- Ryoma/ Evolve (16 points)
3- Saulo (7 points)
4- MSMA (2 points)
No Gi
150 and under
1- Adam Jones (Gurgel)
2- Jason Cable (Gurgel)
3- Josh Truman (Advanced BKJ)
1- Roger Thomas (Gurgel)
2- John Esker (Advanced BKJ)
3- Colin Devore (Ryoma/ Evolve)
1- Jamie Toney (Gurgel)
2- Tommy Carter (Gurgel)
3- Scott Hayes (Advanced BKJ)
1- Dave Vannest (SAW)
2- Brandon Pierce (Gurgel)
3- Ernie Skaggs (Gurgel)
211 and above
1- Jamie Jarrett (Advanced BKJ)
2- Terraun Jones (Independent)
3- Justin Cable (Advanced BKJ)
White Belt
150 and under
1- Josh Truman (Advanced BKJ)
2- David Winston (Advanced BKJ)
3- David Lowry (Advanced BKJ)
1- Andrew Holt (Ryoma/ Evolve) *** points originally awarded to the wrong team
2- Chris Baisden (Advanced BKJ/ Relson)
3- Colin Devore (Ryoma/ Evolve)
171-210 (combined class)
1- Brandon Pierce (Gurgel)
2- George Oiler (Gurgel)
3- John Volatile (Ryoma/ Evolve)
211 and above
1- Terraun Jones (Independent)
2- Keith Noe (Advanced BKJ/ Relson)
3- Randy Yates (MSMA)
Blue Belt
150 and under
1- Adam Jones (Gurgel)
2- Bill Dexter (Advanced BKJ)
1- Scott Layton (Saulo)
2- Teddy Malone (Saulo)
3- Roger Thomas (Gurgel)
1- Charles Cochran (Advanced BKJ)
2- Ernie Skaggs (Gurgel)
3- Chad Fazenbaker (Ryoma/ Evolve)
Women’s No gi
1- Sarah Newman (SWMA)
2- Lacie McAllister (SWMA)
3- Chrissy Linzy (Yamasaki)
Women’s Gi
1- Chrissy Linzy (Yamasaki)
2- Lacie McAllister (SWMA)
Teen No Gi
Under 175
1- Adam Hager (MSMA)
2- Ryan Rectenwald (MSMA)
3- Mckensey Heath (SWMA)
Over 175
1- Dakota McGinn (SWMA)
2- Dustin Waldren (Advanced BKJ)
3- Sam Bell (MSMA)
Teen Gi
Under 175
1- Sara Newman (SWMA)
2- Ethen McAllister (SWMA)
3- Mckensey Heath (SWMA)
Over 175
1- Adam Hager (MSMA)
2- Sam Bell (MSMA)
3- Dakota McGinn (SWMA)