
WVGO 3/23/13 Results

First, I want to thank all of the great competitors and teams who made this event and amazing success.  We had a couple hundred competitors who gave it their all and some great refs and helpers that made this one of the best events yet.  As always, this event is not possible with all of you great people.

Next tournament is 4/20/13 in Bluefield, VA

Advanced No Gi 170 and up (Cash Division)

1. Cameron Knight (Gurgel)

2. Kody Tuttle (GZFS)

3. Ryan Shank (Hiles)/Jesserny Childrey (Georgetown MMA)

Advanced No Gi Under 170 (Cash Division)

1. Jeb Tonkin (GZFS)

2. David Forsyth (GZFS)

3. Thomas Uylenbroek (Gurgel)

No Gi Divisions

Kids 6-8 60 and Under

1. Camden Wiese (Luiz)

2. Jayah Corley (Moundsville)

3. Brayden Wiese (Luiz)

Kids 6-8 60 and Over

1. Lance Jacobs (MCMA)

2. Isaac Phillips (Moundsville)

3. Kayce Bailley (GZFS)

Kids 9-11 Under 75

1. Cayden Dexter (Hiles)

2. Jacob Rannenberg (GZFS)

3. Tyler Wiese (Luiz)

Kids 9-11 Over 75

1. Anthony Little (CMA)

2. Elijah Smith (GZFS)

3. Logan Ord (Cobra)

Kids/Teens 12-14 Under 100

1. Adam Watson (Victory)

2. Dekota Perry (Hiles BJJ)

3. Tanner White (MTNR)

Kids/Teens 12-14 Over 100

1. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

2. Daniel Contraguerro (Contraguerro)

3. Austin Stahl (Outlaw)

Teens 15-17 Under 150

1. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

2. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ/Hall)

3. Luke Williams (Hiles)

Teens 15-17 150-190

1. Tommy Burton (Moundsville)

2. Alex Shelley (Oakland)

3. Tre Stewart (GZFS)

Teens 15-17 190 and Above

1. Matt Cooper (Hiles BJJ)

2. Sam Dorsey (Hiles BJJ)

3. Gage Whitt (Hiles/Hall)

Mens No Gi Beginner

149 and Under

1. Harley Partee (MTNR)

2. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

3. Eric Davis


1. Eder Flores (Georgetown MMA)

2. Steve Midcap (Weirton Bando)

3. Chris Pontier (Cobra)


1. Cole Valentine (Victory)

2. Devin Tennant (Weirton)

195 and Above

1. Brandon Howard (Bluegrass)

2. Scott Ripley (Hiles BJJ)

3. Sam Dorsey (Hiles BJJ)

225 and Above

1. Harvey Addison (MTNR)

2. Mikail Perrine (Oakland)

Absolute # 1 w/ Teens

1. Hakim Johnson (Hiles BJJ)

2. wSam Dorsey (Hiles BJJ)

3. Michael Mobley (Hiles BJJ)

Absolute # 2

1. Josh Turley (Hiles BJJ)

2. will update

3. will update

Women’s No-gi 135 and Under

1. Brittany Williams (Monster)

2. Marilyn Sixto (MACE)

Women’s Absolute

1. Sara Harvey (Oakland MMA)

2. Brittany Williams (Monster)

3. Marilyn Sixto (MCMA)

Masters Lightweight

1. Joshua McFarland (Bluegrass)

2. Fred Fredrick (Outlaw)

3. Roger Beckett (Saulo)

Mens No Gi Intermediate

149 and Under

1. Ethan Ramsey (GZFS)

2. Chad Rector


1. Hakim Johnson (Hiles BJJ)

2. Jim Willison (Bluegrass)


1. Joshua McFarland (Bluegrass)

2. Joe Doughty (Weirton Bando)

3. Nick Defazio (Outlaw)


1. Josh Turley (Hiles BJJ)

2. Phillip Garza (MCMA)


1. Jimbo Adkins

2. Daniel Brison (Gurgel)


1. Daniel Kennon

2. Pillip Garza (MCMA)

Mens No Gi Advanced


1. David Forsyth (GZFS)

2. Roger Beckett (Saulo)


1. Matt Garretson (Hiles BJJ)

2. Tyrelle Olding (Georgetown)


1. Ryan Shank (Hiles BJJ)

2. John Badoil (MACE)


1. Billy Poe (Monster)

2. James Madon (Blue Moon)

225 and Above

1. Jesseray Childrey (Georgetown)

2. TJ Bowling (Cobra)

Gi Divisions

Kids Gi 6-8

1.  Cameron Wiese (Luiz)

2.  Lane Blake (Victory)

3. Kayce Bailey (GZFS)

Kids 9-11 50-65

1. Tyler Wiese (Luiz)

2. Jacob Bowman (Hiles BJJ)

Kids 9-11 75-85

1. Jacob Rannenberg (GZFS)

2. Brayden Morris (CRJJ)

3. Logen Ord (Cobra)

Kids 9-11 90 and Above

1. Elijah Smith (GZFA)

2. Logan Bowman (Hiles BJJ)

Teen 12-14 Under 100

1. Adam Watson (Victory)

2. Dekota Perry (Hiles BJJ)

Teen 12-14 Under 100-135

1. Arieana Green (Hiles BJJ)

2. Louisa Smith (Cobra)

Teen 12-14 Combined

1. Arieana Green (Hiles BJJ)

2. Adam Watson (Victory)

3. Dekota Perry (Hiles BJJ)

Teen 12-14 135 and Over

1. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

2. Austin Stahl (Outlaw)

3. Isaiah Estabrook (Hiles BJJ)

Teen Gi 15-17 Under 175

1. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

2. Bobby Bailey (Hiles BJJ/Hall)

3. tre Stewart (Hiles BJJ)

Teen Gi 15-17 Over 175

1. Alex Shelley (Oakland)

2. Gage Whitt (Hiles BJJ/Hall)

Adult Men Gi Divisions

White Belt

149 and Under

1. Caid Cokley (Cokley)

2. Ethan Ramsey (GZFS)

3. Vic Fran (GZFS)


1. Hakim Johnson (Hiles BJJ)

2. David Forsyth (GZFS)

3. Johnny Morales (Valley)


1. Cody Baldwin (MCMA)

2. Tyrelle Olding (Georgetown)

3. Bryan Lopez (Bruiser)


1. Josh Turley (Hiles BJJ)

2. Brandon Workman (Gigo/Patt)


1. Brandon Howard (Bluegrass)

2. David Watson (Victory)


1. Daniel Brison (Gurgel)

2. Michael Keeble (GZFS)

3. Scott Ripley (Hiles BJJ)

225 and Above

1. Jesseray Childrey (Georgetown)

2. Trevor Smith (Hiles BJJ)

3. Mikail Perrine (Oakland)


1. Jesseray Childrey (Georgetown)

2. Brandon Workman (Diogo/Patt)

3. Daniel Brison (Gurgel)

Adult Men Blue Belt

149.9 – 164.9

1. Brian Propst (Hiles BJJ)

2. Jim Willison (Bluegrass)

3. Joe Sacripanti (Steel City)

165 lbs. to 179.9 lbs.

1. Matt Garretson (Hiles BJJ)

2. Jim Tinney (Hiles BJJ)

3. Alex Vence (GZ)


1. John Badon (MACE)

2. Don Quinn (GZFS)

3. Germaine Johnson (Victory)

195 lbs. to 224.9

1. Billy Poe (Monster)

2. Phillip Garza (MCMA)

225 and Above

1. Nate Heslep (Hiles BJJ)

2. Daniel Kennon (Bluegrass)


1. Billy Poe (Monster)

2. John Badol (MACE)

3. Nate Heslep (Hiles BJJ)

Adult Men Purple Belt


1. Jeb Tonkin (GZFS)

1. Thomas Uylenbroek (Gurgel)

3. Roger Beckett (Saulo)


1. Kody Tuttle (GZFS)

2. TJ Bowling (Cobra)

Masters Divisions

Mens Masters Blue Belt 165-179

1. Jim Tinney (Hiles BJJ)

2. Josh McFarland (Bluegrass)

Mens Masters Blue Belt Heavyweight

1. Daniel Kennon (Bluegrass)

2. Ron Jacobs (MCMA/Hiles BJJ)

3. Jermain Johnson

Category: Uncategorized

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Hello Mr Hiles, I am Thomas Sisemore’s father. I’m sure you recall spending a few minutes with my son during the day at Saturday’s WVGO Breast Cancer Benefit. Anyway, I wanted to express my deepest appreciation for the manner in which the event was conducted. From the people who attended to the ethical grappling to the manner in which you and your family managed the event, it reminded me of when I was a boy in Texas competing in outdoor motocross in the late 70’s. Everyone there was the… Read more
Bill Sisemore

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Reigning Overall Team State Champions

2009 Butch Hiles BJJ
2010 GZFS
2011 Butch Hiles BJJ
2012 GZFS
2013 GZFS
2014 Ground Zero Huntington
2015 Team SAS
2016 Ground Zero Huntington
2017 Ground Zero Huntington
2018 GZFS
2019 Team SAS
2021 Team SAS
2022 GZFS

WVGO Black Belt Sponsors

Blue Belt Sponsors